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The "Remember I Am" challenge is a profound journey of self-discovery and self-realization that transcends the surface layers of name, personality, and life experiences. It's an exploration of the fundamental truth of "I AM," which delves into the essence of our being, beyond the labels and roles that society assigns to us. This challenge beckons us to continually remind ourselves throughout the day of our authentic self, a timeless and boundless consciousness.

In a world often preoccupied with external identities, this challenge serves as a beacon to connect with the core of our existence. It encourages us to reflect on our true nature, fostering a profound sense of mindfulness and self-awareness. As we acknowledge "I AM," we strip away the illusions and facades that accumulate over time, allowing us to access our innate wisdom, compassion, and inner strength.

Embracing the "Remember I Am" challenge is an invitation to live authentically, liberated from the constraints of societal constructs. It's a voyage that unveils our limitless potential, ignites our passions, and deepens our connection to the world around us. By regularly reciting the truth of "I AM," we embark on a transformative journey towards self-empowerment and self-fulfilment, ultimately leading us to a more genuine and harmonious existence.

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The "I am" state holds a profound truth that transcends the complexities of human existence. At its core, this simple yet powerful affirmation signifies a direct connection to the essence of our being. It reflects a timeless and boundless awareness that exists before and beyond the labels, roles, and experiences that define us in the external world.

The truth of "I am" acknowledges our intrinsic nature, stripping away the layers of conditioning and ego. It reminds us of our innermost self, a wellspring of unshakable authenticity. This state of consciousness points to a reality that is free from judgment, comparison, and external expectations. In the "I am" state, we find our most genuine self, one that is not defined by the fleeting nature of material possessions, social status, or the roles we play.

The "I am" state is a declaration of self-awareness, a conscious recognition of our true potential and worth. It is an affirmation of the divine spark that resides within each of us, connecting us to the universal source of all existence. In this state, we uncover our limitless capacity for love, compassion, and wisdom, and we realize that our potential is boundless.

As we delve deeper into the "I am" state, we begin to realize that this truth is not just a concept or a belief; it is an experiential reality. Through meditation, introspection, and mindful living, we can access this profound truth and tap into its transformative power. It becomes a guiding light, a source of strength, and a compass that directs us towards a life of purpose and authenticity. In the "I am" state, we find liberation from the shackles of illusion and a path to self-realisation, enabling us to live in alignment with our true nature.

Image by Joshua Earle


The concept of the created self is a captivating illusion that envelopes us, shaping our identity through the lens of name, personality, and life experiences. However, when we embark on the profound journey of self-inquiry, asking the fundamental question, "Who am I?" we begin to peel back the layers of this constructed reality. Much like peeling the layers of an onion, we discover that there is no tangible core, no fixed egoic self at the heart of our existence.

As we delve deeper into the layers, we recognize that our identities are woven from an intricate tapestry of external influences, societal conditioning, and our own perceptions. These layers are as transitory as the changing seasons. They are malleable, evolving with time and experience. Thus, there is no unchanging, permanent self as defined by the egoic mind.

This realization can be liberating and humbling. It invites us to transcend the confines of ego and embrace the fluidity of our being. It reminds us that our identities are not fixed, allowing room for growth, transformation, and the continuous exploration of our true nature.

In this exploration, we unearth the wisdom that the self is a concept, a mental construct. The essence of our existence transcends labels and definitions, residing in the boundless realm of pure awareness. The layers of the created self ultimately dissolve, revealing the profound insight that there is no egoic self at the core, only the ever-flowing river of consciousness, the eternal and complete "I am" that is a manifestation of the divine, the oneness, and the source of all existence, manifesting through each of us. This awakening paves the way for a deeper connection to the universal source and a profound sense of oneness with all of existence.

Image by Marek Piwnicki


Begin your day with a simple but powerful affirmation: "I am." This affirmation reminds you of your existence beyond the egoic self, connecting you to your true essence.

Daily Affirmation

Throughout the day, set reminders or triggers that prompt you to recall the "I am" affirmation. These reminders can be physical, such as a bracelet or a note, or mental cues, like a specific word or image.

Frequent Reminders

When faced with challenging situations or moments of self-doubt, pause and ask yourself, "Who am I?" This introspective question can lead you beyond the egoic self's limitations.

Question Your Identity

Dedicate time to meditation and contemplation. These practices help you quiet the chatter of the egoic mind and access a deeper, more profound sense of self.

Meditation and Contemplation

Embrace moments of stillness and silence. These pauses allow you to connect with the ever-present "I am" that transcends thought and ego.

Embrace Stillness

Maintain a journal to document your experiences during the challenge. Write down moments when you feel connected to the "I am" and any insights that arise.

Record Your Insights

Explore spiritual texts, teachings, or guidance from mentors who can further deepen your understanding of the "I am" state.

Seek Guidance

The "Remember I Am" challenge is a transformative journey that takes you beyond the egoic self to a profound awareness of your true essence. By consistently affirming, questioning, and exploring your identity, you'll begin to transcend the ego's limitations and experience a profound sense of inner peace and oneness. This challenge is an empowering step on your spiritual path toward self-realisation.

Image by Joshua Earle


In the tender embrace of the "I am" that you truly are, lies the key to profound transformation. Hold onto this truth and allow it to accompany you through your day. This simple but profound shift in perspective can change your life in ways that words can hardly express. It has the power to open the doors to deeper meaning, lasting fulfilment, and an inner peace that touches the depths of your soul. It's an invitation to align with the eternal and complete "I am," transcending the confines of the egoic self, and in this beautiful realization, you'll discover a path to unity with the divine.

Embrace this with your whole heart, allow it to shape your actions, and experience the profound transformation in your existence. As you awaken to the magnificent truth of your real self, the "I am," you'll find yourself on a journey that resonates deeply with your emotions, a journey filled with the beauty of authenticity, love, and an unshakable sense of connection. This is your call to cherish and live in this profound truth, making it a part of every moment in your life, an ever-present reminder of your true essence, and the incredible potential it holds for your emotional and spiritual growth.

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment."

Lao Tzu

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