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Embark on a transformative journey with "Lunar". This challenge empowers you to choose a path that leads to the peaks of mind, body, spirit, or any other area you wish to enrich in your life. The essence of this commitment lies in dedicating a full month to this chosen endeavour.

Why the lunar cycle, you might wonder? A lunar cycle is 29.5 days long, just under a month. A month provides an ideal timeframe to cultivate a habit and gain a profound understanding of your selected skill. It's a period long enough to dive deep into the practice and experience its impact on your life. Over these 30 days, you'll witness the gradual transformation of your daily routine as this new skill becomes a part of your life.

Just as Mount Evolve symbolizes the journey to one's best self, this challenge serves as a personal ascent, a path toward self-improvement. By committing to this practice, you invest in your growth and the development of a habit that can enrich your mind, strengthen your body, or nurture your spirit. You align with the moon and it's elusive changing shape in the night sky as the month progresses. As the moon changes, so do you. The 30-day duration is your bridge to mastery, your gateway to self-discovery, and your ticket to evolving into the best version of yourself.

Rotating Cloud


Select the path that resonates with your journey up Mount Evolve. Whether it's a foundational path like meditation or exercise, or perhaps you're seeking to diversify your routine with experiences like nature immersion or fasting, there's something for everyone to explore, learn from, and evolve with.

Once you've pinpointed the path that calls to you, it's time to lay the foundation for making it a seamless part of your daily life. Reflect on when you can best incorporate this path into your daily routine. Are your mornings more flexible, or do you find evenings to be your sanctuary of time? Consider if you can stack this new path alongside a pre-existing one. For example, can you integrate some yoga into your morning meditation, or anchor a reading session to an established part of your evening routine?

Identifying these sticking points is the key to cultivating consistency. By creating these intentional connections, you make it far easier to integrate your chosen path into your daily life. Over time, what began as a commitment will naturally transform into a habit, and ultimately, it will become an intrinsic part of your evolving journey toward your best self on Mount Evolve.

Image by Joshua Earle


The beauty of a 30-day commitment lies in its potential to lay the foundation for transforming a practice into a habit. While scientific research suggests that, on average, it takes around 66 days for a new behaviour to become an automatic habit, embarking on a 30-day journey provides a solid start. This period aligns conveniently with the start of a month, facilitating the creation of a well-defined schedule.

During this lunar cycle, you'll begin to understand the profound impact of your new practice on the mind, body, and spirit. It allows you to explore what adjustments in your lifestyle are necessary to accommodate the holistic well-being benefits that your chosen practice offers.

As you venture beyond the initial 30 days, you'll find that this practice becomes an effortless part of your daily life. It seamlessly integrates into your evolved lifestyle, transforming into a deeply ingrained behaviour that contributes to your ongoing journey toward self-realization and self-improvement.

Image by Marek Piwnicki


Start by determining your goal. What aspect of your life do you want to improve? Is it your physical fitness, mental well-being, or a new skill you want to develop? Having a clear objective will give your challenge purpose. Take a look at the moon, remember its shape and set the intention that you will continue your new path until the moon returns to this same shape.

Define Your Objective

Select the specific practice that aligns with your goal. It could be daily meditation, regular exercise, reading, or any activity that contributes to your personal growth. Ensure it's something you're genuinely interested in, as enthusiasm is essential for commitment.

Choose Your Practice

Develop a schedule for the next 30 days. Decide when and where you'll perform your chosen practice. You can integrate it into your existing routine or designate a specific time each day. Setting a routine makes it easier to stick to the challenge.

Create a Plan

If the chosen practice is entirely new to you, begin with a manageable level of commitment. For instance, if you're taking up daily meditation, start with a 5-minute session and gradually increase the duration as the challenge progresses.

Start Small

Maintain a journal to monitor your daily efforts. Note your experiences, insights, and any challenges you face. Keeping a record helps you stay accountable and provides a reference for reflection at the end of the challenge.

Track Your Progress

Share your challenge with a friend or join a community with similar goals. Having a support system can keep you motivated and on track.

Stay Accountable

At the end of the lunar cycle, take a look at the moon. Reflect on the powerful journey it has taken to orbit the earth and assess your progress and the impact of the new found path you have taken in your life. Did you achieve your goal? What did you learn from the experience? Use this reflection to set new goals or continue the practice if it has become a beneficial habit.

Reflect and Adjust

The "Lunar" challenge is your opportunity to make significant strides toward personal growth. With a clear goal, commitment, and consistent effort, you'll discover the power of incremental change in just one month as the moon circles you.

Image by Joshua Earle


The "Lunar" challenge stands as the perfect gateway to initiate a thrilling journey towards the summit of self-development. It's a well-defined period that allows you to delve into your chosen path, whether it's nurturing your mind, strengthening your body, or enriching your spirit. During these 30 days, you'll lay the foundations for a lifelong habit, discover the transformative potential of your efforts, and adapt your lifestyle to embrace the wellness benefits. Beyond the initial challenge, this path seamlessly becomes a part of your evolved lifestyle.

You do not need to start at a full moon, wherever you start in the lunar cycle is unique to you and as you look up at the moon when you start so too will you look up when the moon when you end. The moon will continue its journey again for another month. Will you?

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to take the first step on this exciting journey. Choose your path, commit to it, and let the next lunar cycle be the catalyst for your transformation, leading you steadily towards the summit of your best self on Mount Evolve. The adventure awaits, and it begins with your decision to take action today. Follow the moon.

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

Mark Twain

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