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Rain Storm



Keep an eye on the storm in your mind. Start the day with clear skies and become aware when that the skies turn stormy, the clouds will come. Learn to create a sun that shines through the clouds, unaffected by any storm no matter the circumstances.

As you embark on your journey up Mount Evolve, picture your mind as an expansive landscape, where each day offers a fresh start with clear skies. However, as you progress along the path of self-development, you'll find that storms can brew within your thoughts.

These mental storms may manifest as self-doubt, fear, or external challenges. It's crucial to be aware of these changes in your mental climate, for the clouds are inevitable. Just as in any life journey, there will be moments of turbulence.

The essence of personal growth lies in your ability to manifest a sun within yourself that can shine through these metaphorical clouds, undeterred by any storm, no matter how fierce. This inner radiance represents your resilience, determination, and capacity to remain steadfast in the face of adversity.

In this journey up Mount Evolve, remember that you are not alone. Many climbers face their mental tempests, and as you ascend, you'll discover strategies and techniques to navigate and ultimately conquer these storms. It's not about avoiding challenges but learning to harness their energy to propel yourself forward.

By embracing this metaphor of mental weather, you can be better equipped to conquer your inner landscape and continue your ascent to the summit of self-realisation. It's in the darkest moments that the brightest suns within us shine most brilliantly.

Rotating Cloud


To embark on this transformative journey up Mount Evolve, begin with the creation of a powerful trigger. This trigger will serve as a constant reminder, a beacon of mindfulness in your everyday life. Whether it's a small icon on your hand, a subtle message as your phone background, or anything else you frequently encounter, let it be a visual cue that ignites your awareness. When you see it, pause and ask yourself, "What is the current state of my mind?"

At the break of each new day, you'll notice a sense of calm and serenity within your mind. It's the tranquil moment before the day unfolds, and you are fully aware that it will bring challenges, moments that will test your patience, ignite your anger, or trigger your vulnerabilities. Embrace this awareness.

The essence of "Eye on the Storm" lies in recognising and understanding these triggers, for it's in this awareness that we find the power to transcend them. When a testing moment approaches, take note of the energy shift within your body, the inner resistance, and the turmoil in your mind—this is the metaphorical storm. Keep your attention firmly fixed on it. Can you allow the storm to pass without letting it consume you?

Should your state of mind become tainted by negative emotions or feelings, make a mark on your icon or take a moment to note it down. At the end of the day, tally up these instances and reflect upon them. Was it worth sacrificing your inner peace each time you allowed the storm to take over? By embracing this practice, you can gain valuable insights into your emotional responses, and in doing so, you begin the journey of mastering your mind and rising to your best self.

Image by Joshua Earle


In this complex world, one of the precious aspects within our grasp of control is the state of our mind. Our resistance to the present moment as it unfolds often gives birth to our suffering. So, how can we uplift our mental state? The path to improvement commences with a profound sense of awareness.

Through practices such as meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness exercises, we begin the journey of illuminating the inner workings of our minds, shedding light on our thoughts, emotions, desires, and everything that traverses the landscape of our consciousness. This initial step, the cultivation of awareness, is akin to the first ray of sunlight breaking through the dawn.

Awareness serves as the foundation of healing, for we cannot mend what we are oblivious to. It's only when we can witness the transformation of our mental climate, from clear skies to turbulent storms triggered by the world's unfolding events, that we are poised to transcend these challenges.

In this state of heightened awareness, we acquire the tools to navigate the tempestuous seas of our own minds and find the path to healing and self-improvement.

The power to overcome lies in recognising the shifts within our mental landscape and channelling our inner strength to weather the storms that arise. By embracing this practice, we unlock the potential to transform our lives, reaching ever closer to the summit of self-realization on Mount Evolve.

Image by Marek Piwnicki


Start by identifying the triggers that challenge your emotional stability. These could be situations, people, or specific emotions that tend to unsettle you. Understanding your triggers is the first step in gaining control over your reactions.

Define Your Triggers

Just as a mountaineer relies on their equipment, you need a reminder to stay vigilant. Choose a small, symbolic item or image that represents your commitment to this challenge. Place it somewhere visible, like on your desk or as your phone's wallpaper.

Create a Visual Reminder

Throughout the day, make it a habit to check in with your emotional state. Start your day with calm introspection and recognize the serenity within. As situations unfold, monitor how your emotions react to the triggers.

Daily Check-Ins

When a trigger appears, focus on it, like a mountaineer eyeing an approaching storm. Observe the turbulence it stirs within you. Rather than being swept away by emotional reactions, hold your ground. You're the unyielding eye in the storm.

Weathering the Storm

Maintain a daily journal to record your encounters with triggers. Write down how you managed to remain composed or instances where the storm overcame you. Reflect on what you learned from each experience.

Journal Your Experience

Mark a tally or symbol for each time you successfully maintain your composure amidst a trigger and for each time you succumb to the emotional storm. This visual representation will help you keep score and motivate you to improve.

Set Tallies

Before you retire for the day, review your journal and tallies. Contemplate the progress you've made and the areas that need further attention. This reflection will guide your growth in the challenge.

End-of-Day Reflection

The "Eye on the Storm" challenge is a mesmerising expedition into self-mastery. As you navigate your emotional landscape with the determination of a mountaineer, you'll find yourself becoming the calm at the heart of life's storms. It's a journey of self-awareness and emotional empowerment that will transform how you navigate the challenges of everyday life.

Image by Joshua Earle


In the initial stages of your journey, you may find your days to be delicate, easily disrupted by the relentless storms of life. But, remember, this is all part of the process, and it's perfectly okay. The true power lies not in the absence of storms but in how frequently you can attain awareness.

With each instance of recognition, your awareness blossoms, akin to the strengthening sun breaking through the clouds. As your awareness intensifies, you'll find that it becomes an unshakable force. It's like a radiant sun within you, so powerful that even the most trivial of triggers, which often sow seeds of suffering in others, will fail to affect you.

After all, when you experience emotions like anger, frustration, or offence, who bears the brunt of this suffering but yourself? If we acknowledge that we possess complete control over our state of mind, it becomes apparent that we can craft the best possible conditions for ourselves.

So, as you journey up the slopes of Mount Evolve, take solace in the fact that the storms that once seemed overwhelming are now opportunities for growth and transformation. Your awareness, like the sun, will shine brilliantly, dispelling the shadows of suffering, and illuminating the path to your best self.

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

Mahatma Gandhi

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