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Image by Casey Horner


Amidst the awe-inspiring grandeur of Mount Evolve, the presence of God resonates profoundly. The sacred mountain becomes a sanctuary where seekers connect with the divine essence. In the gentle whispers of the wind and the vibrant colours of the sunrise, the divine energy reveals itself. Within the heart, a divine spark ignites, guiding us on our transformative pilgrimage. As we ascend, the divine presence grows stronger, enveloping us in unconditional love, wisdom, and purpose. Mount Evolve becomes a sacred portal, uniting us with the divine, enriching our souls, and revealing the boundless potential of our spiritual journey. God's presence envelops us, becoming stronger as we summit ourselves.


As you embark on your journey towards understanding the concept of a higher power, often termed 'God', consider this path as an integral part of your ascent up Mount Evolve. Recognize that across various cultures and histories, the notion of 'God' or a supreme energy is a kaleidoscope of forms and interpretations. These are not mere reflections of religious teachings, but rich tapestries offering insights into the human quest to connect with something greater than oneself.

Imagine the diversity in understanding 'God': in Hinduism, Brahman is seen as an all-encompassing force, while in Taoism, the Tao represents the ineffable order of the universe. Each culture's perspective is a window into the vastness of human experience and understanding of the cosmos.

Your challenge, and indeed your opportunity, lies in the willingness to unlearn and relearn. Many beliefs are inherited, shaped by upbringing, culture, and education. To grasp the essence of what 'God' might mean requires acknowledging the limitations of your knowledge and being open to new interpretations.

Consider the scientific mysteries of the universe as part of your spiritual journey. Science and spirituality, often viewed as opposites, can coexist harmoniously, each enhancing the other. Understanding the physical properties of elements like water doesn't strip away their mystery; instead, it deepens your awe and appreciation of the universe's intricacy.

Your pursuit of understanding 'God' is not just a quest for spiritual insight but an exploration of cultural diversity, scientific wonder, and introspection. This expanded viewpoint aligns with the philosophy of Mount Evolve, where the journey of self-improvement is continuous and ever-evolving.

Embrace this journey with curiosity, humility, and an open mind. As you ascend Mount Evolve, let your understanding of 'God' be a fusion of cultural wisdom, scientific awe, and personal discovery. This path is not just about reaching a spiritual summit but about enriching every step with deeper knowledge and broader perspectives.

Image by Ben Vaughn


Imagine yourself standing at the threshold of a vast, unseen universe – a realm where everything begins as an unmanifest potential before transforming into the tangible world around you. This is not just a metaphorical landscape; it's a real, pulsating field where every idea, book, object, and creation first takes shape. Scientists, delving into the mysteries of the quantum field, are beginning to unveil this space of infinite possibility, where the blueprint of manifested reality is drawn.

In this realm of endless potential, recognise that you are not merely a bystander but a powerful creator. Every man-made structure, every technological marvel, every piece of art that adorns your world, originated from this unmanifest field. It’s a source that never depletes, continually inviting you to shape and reshape reality. This understanding is pivotal, for it reveals that the world you perceive with your five senses is merely the tip of an immense iceberg.

Beyond the creations of humankind lies the ever-evolving masterpiece of nature: the graceful dance of plants reaching for the sun, the intricate patterns of growth in trees, the mesmerising choreography of insects, animals, and the intricate complexity of human life itself. All these are expressions of the same mysterious, unknowable source that you tap into every time you create.

Think of this source as an eternal wellspring of creativity, urging you to draw from its depths. You hold the power to manifest ideas and visions into reality, to turn the invisible into the visible. This is not just about crafting objects or producing works of art; it's about realising your potential to shape the world, to leave an imprint that transcends the physical realm.

As you ascend Mount Evolve, let this knowledge be your guiding star. You are more than a part of the universe; you are a creator within it, endowed with the ability to mold and influence the very fabric of existence. This journey is not merely about self-improvement; it's about awakening to your role as a co-creator in a universe where the line between the potential and the actual is a dynamic playground of creation.

Embrace this empowering perspective. Let it fuel your ascent, infusing each step with purpose and intention. You are at the forefront of shaping not just your destiny but the very contours of reality. This is your power, your privilege, and your responsibility. As you climb higher on Mount Evolve, carry this awareness with you, for in understanding your role as a creator, you unlock the full potential of your journey towards self-actualisation and beyond.


As you look around, take a moment to truly see and admire the profound intelligence that permeates every aspect of existence. Observe the delicate flower, its growth towards the sun a testament to perfect mathematical coding. Consider the salmon, undertaking a hundreds-of-miles journey back to its birthplace with unerring precision. Reflect on the miracle of a baby developing in its mother's womb, a process of infinite complexity and wonder. This world, your world, is a tapestry woven with an underlying, deep intelligence that is evident in every corner and crevice.

But how often do you really notice it? In the hustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the sheer marvel of existence, the beauty and intricacy that underpin even the most mundane aspects of the world.

As your awareness of this intelligence grows, you'll start to see it everywhere. A simple leaf hanging off a tree becomes a subject of fascination – not just a leaf, but a part of a larger, interconnected system that includes the branch, the tree, the earth. This realisation is the first step on a journey of discovery, leading to profound questions: Who or what is behind this intelligence? Why does each element of nature, like the leaf, grow in such a perfectly suited way to its environment? Is it mere chance, or is there a conscious, guiding force?

These questions invite you to ponder deeper mysteries. Consider the possibility that the existence of everything around you – from the smallest leaf to the vast universe – is not an accident. Instead, it could be the manifestation of a power beyond our understanding, a conscious intelligence that nurtures and shapes all of creation.

The alternative – a universe where nothing exists – seems almost unimaginable. Yet, here you are, in a world that not only exists but continues to evolve, pushed by an unseen, unfathomable force. This realisation can be awe-inspiring and humbling, offering a new perspective on your place within the grand scheme of things.

As you continue your ascent up Mount Evolve, carry with you this profound awareness. Let it shape your understanding of the world and your role in it. Recognise that you are part of this incredible, intelligent universe, a participant in its ongoing creation and evolution. This is not just about acknowledging the beauty around you; it's about understanding your connection to a larger, more mysterious, and infinitely intelligent universe. This realisation has the power to transform not just how you see the world, but how you engage with it, turning every moment into an opportunity for appreciation and wonder.

Image by Aperture Vintage


Consider this intriguing notion: while you might believe you're in complete control of your life, the reality could be quite different. Reflect on your thoughts – do you truly originate them, or do they spontaneously emerge in your consciousness? Try as you might to turn off your thinking, you'll find it's an elusive endeavour. Your decisions, too, may seem like conscious choices, but aren't they largely shaped by your past experiences and the information you've accumulated over time? If you were to revisit a past decision without the benefit of hindsight, would you really choose differently?

This line of thought leads to a profound realisation: your actions and decisions are influenced by your current level of consciousness, the framework within which you operate. It raises the question: are you the doer, or merely an observer in your own life?

Consider the automatic functions of your body. Do you consciously control the beating of your heart, the functioning of your organs? In truth, much of what constitutes 'living' occurs without your direct input. You're more like a spectator, being moved through the universe, experiencing life as it unfolds.

This perspective doesn't negate free will, but rather points to a deeper understanding. The concepts of 'my' body, 'my' heart, 'I' think, and 'I' feel suggest a level of control that might be more illusory than real. Can you truly command your senses – decide not to hear, or will your heart to stop beating?

When you grasp this concept, you begin to realise that life is happening to you, and you are simply aware of it. Consider who or what powers the beating of your heart, the growth of your hair, the breath in your lungs. Something is driving these processes, for without this mysterious force, life as you know it would cease.

It's easy to dismiss this as an unknowable mystery or a simple fact of biology. But such an explanation overlooks the possibility of a powerful intelligence at work. Recognising and becoming aware of this force is not just an exercise in curiosity; it's a journey towards understanding a deeper truth about existence.

As you climb Mount Evolve, let this awareness shape your understanding of life. You're not just an individual navigating a random universe; you're part of a grand, intelligent design, a cog in a vast, cosmic machine. Embracing this perspective can transform your perception of your place in the universe, encouraging you to see yourself not just as an autonomous entity, but as an integral part of a larger, more profound reality.


Contemplate the origins of love – is it something you learn, or is it inherently part of your being? Similar to laughter, joy, and the instinctive smile of a child at play, love and other emotions are universally experienced. They aren't imparted by external teachings; instead, they resonate within us, an intrinsic part of our human experience.

Consider the innate sense of morality that exists within each person. Deep down, you understand the wrongness of harming another, not because you've been explicitly taught, but because you intrinsically know it to be true. This moral compass guides you, often subconsciously, through life's complexities. If you choose to ignore this inner truth, the repercussions manifest within you, perhaps as guilt or unrest. These feelings underline the existence of an inherent understanding of good and bad, right and wrong.

This intrinsic moral sense hints at deeper layers of consciousness and connection that transcend taught behavior. It suggests that within every human being lies a fundamental set of principles and feelings that guide actions and reactions. By connecting with this inner wisdom, you begin to see that every action at its root is an act of love or a call for love.

Recognise that your emotions, your sense of right and wrong, are not merely products of external teachings but are deeply embedded within you. This realisation can profoundly change how you interact with the world and with others. It encourages a more empathetic and compassionate approach to life, where you see actions not just as isolated events, but as expressions of a deeper, universal need for love and connection.

Incorporating this perspective into your ascent towards self-actualisation, you become more attuned to the innate goodness and love that form the core of human existence. This awareness can inspire you to act from a place of love, understanding that even in moments of conflict or misunderstanding, there's an underlying call for love and connection. Thus, your journey becomes not just a path to personal improvement, but a journey towards deeper, more meaningful interactions with the world and the people around you.

Image by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos


Reflect on the commonalities that underpin every religion. At their essence, these belief systems are built upon similar principles, and despite their apparent differences, they share more in common than what divides them. Whether it's called God, Allah, Tao, Brahman, the Universe, or any other name, these terms essentially point to the same concept – a higher, incomprehensible power that transcends human understanding.

Each religion offers its unique interpretation of this supreme entity. Some envision a wrathful or resentful deity, others an unconditionally loving one. However, the truth is that any human conception of this entity is inherently limited. To define this higher power in human terms, to project upon it qualities and emotions, is to confine it within the bounds of human understanding. In reality, this entity is limitless, infinite, beyond the grasp of human cognition.

You cannot truly know this supreme power, but you can experience a sense of unity with it. This is where the beauty and utility of religion come into play. If a religious belief brings you peace, a sense of belonging, or answers to your spiritual quest, then it serves a valuable purpose in your life. It's essential to respect and understand the diverse religious paths that people choose, recognising that, despite the differences, the idea of a higher power often has a positive influence on many lives.

Spirituality, on the other hand, is more elusive than religion. It doesn't align itself with a particular group or creed, yet its influence is equally profound. Regardless of the path chosen, whether through organised religion or a more personal spiritual journey, the impact of this universal concept remains significant.

As you progress on your own journey of self-development and personal growth, consider this: no single religion holds a monopoly on truth. They are all interpretations, ideas formed by the human mind attempting to grasp something that lies beyond its reach. The ultimate truth, the essence of this higher power, cannot be fully comprehended or known through these constructs.

Embrace this understanding as you develop yourself. Recognise that while religions offer paths, the journey towards a deeper spiritual understanding is a personal and unique experience. In acknowledging this, you open yourself to a more inclusive and comprehensive view of spirituality, one that sees the common threads rather than the dividing lines. This perspective not only enriches your own spiritual journey but also fosters a greater sense of unity and empathy with others, regardless of their chosen path.


Improving your relationship with God and experiencing a deeper sense of divinity in your life can be a profound journey, one that enhances your ascent up Mount Evolve. Here are some ways to cultivate this relationship and experience a closer connection with the divine:

Mindful Prayer and Meditation

Establish a routine of prayer or meditation. This doesn't have to be traditional; it can be any form of quiet contemplation that allows you to feel connected to a higher power. During these moments, focus on the presence of the divine, allowing yourself to feel enveloped by a greater consciousness.

Study Sacred Texts and Teachings

Delve into the scriptures or spiritual texts from various traditions. These texts can offer insights and guidance on connecting with the divine. Approach them with an open mind, seeking the universal truths that resonate across different faiths.

Nature as a Sanctuary

Spend time in nature. Many people feel a profound sense of the divine when surrounded by the beauty and intricacy of the natural world. Whether it's a quiet walk in the woods, sitting by a lake, or simply observing the stars, nature can be a powerful conduit for experiencing divinity.

Rise To The Challenge

Check out some of our challenges that can help you find God. #SeeTheCreator and #RememberIAm.

Acts of Service and Compassion

Engage in acts of kindness and service. Serving others and extending compassion is often seen as serving God. This can be through formal volunteering or simple daily acts of kindness. Such actions can deepen your sense of connection to the divine, as many spiritual traditions teach that God is found in service to others.

Reflective Journaling

Keep a spiritual journal. Write about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings regarding your spiritual journey. Reflecting on your path can bring clarity and insight, helping you to see the ways in which the divine is present in your life.

Cultivate Gratitude

Practice gratitude. Acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life can create a sense of closeness to God. It's often in the small, everyday moments that you can sense the divine most profoundly.

Join a Spiritual Community

Consider joining a spiritual or religious community. Sharing your journey with others can provide support, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. These communities can offer different perspectives and experiences of the divine, enriching your own understanding.

Art and Creativity as Expression

Use art and creativity to connect with the divine. Many people find that expressing themselves through art, music, writing, or dance can be a spiritual experience, offering a unique way to encounter and express the divine.

Mindful Consumption of Media

Be selective about the media you consume. Books, music, films, and other forms of media that uplift, inspire, or provide spiritual nourishment can enhance your sense of connection to the divine.

Personal Rituals and Traditions

Create personal rituals that have spiritual significance for you. This could be lighting a candle, saying a specific prayer, or performing a small act that reminds you of your connection to the divine.

Remember, your relationship with the divine is deeply personal, and what works for one person may not resonate with another. Be patient and open as you explore these paths, and allow your relationship with the divine to unfold naturally. As you journey up Mount Evolve, let this spiritual exploration be a guiding light, enriching your path towards self-improvement and inner peace.

Image by NEOM


The concept of God, regardless of its varied interpretations across different cultures and religions, holds a significant place in the lives of billions of people worldwide. This widespread belief in a higher power or divine entity has profound implications on human behaviour, culture, and history. The idea of God, in this sense, transcends the realm of physical proof or empirical evidence; its reality is manifested in the actions, traditions, and values of countless individuals and societies.

One of the most compelling arguments for the reality of the idea of God is the observable impact it has on human behavior. Across the globe, people engage in rituals, follow moral codes, and shape their lives around the principles dictated by their belief in a divine presence. This widespread influence is a testament to the power of the idea of God, making it a tangible force in the world regardless of the physical evidence of its existence.

Moreover, the idea of God serves as a source of comfort, guidance, and purpose for many. It provides a framework within which individuals find meaning in their lives, confront moral dilemmas, and seek solace in times of distress. The psychological and emotional support derived from this belief is another aspect of its undeniable reality in human experience.

Furthermore, the idea of God has been a driving force behind some of the most significant events and movements in human history. Wars have been fought, peace treaties signed, art created, and civilizations built, all under the influence of this powerful concept. The sheer scale and depth of its impact make the idea of God an undeniable reality in the context of human affairs.

In philosophical terms, the existence of God as an idea can be argued as being just as real as any other concept that influences human behaviour and thought. Just as the concepts of love, justice, or freedom, which also lack physical form, are considered real because of their influence on human actions and societies, so too is the idea of God.

The debate over the physical existence of a divine entity may continue indefinitely, with arguments on both sides of the spectrum. However, the reality of the idea of God, as evidenced by its profound and pervasive influence on human life, is undeniable. This understanding can be a crucial element in your journey on Mount Evolve, offering a perspective that acknowledges the power and significance of belief and its ability to shape human experience and consciousness.


The concept of God, regardless of its varied interpretations across different cultures and religions, holds a significant place in the lives of billions of people worldwide. This widespread belief in a higher power or divine entity has profound implications on human behaviour, culture, and history. The idea of God, in this sense, transcends the realm of physical proof or empirical evidence; its reality is manifested in the actions, traditions, and values of countless individuals and societies.

One of the most compelling arguments for the reality of the idea of God is the observable impact it has on human behavior. Across the globe, people engage in rituals, follow moral codes, and shape their lives around the principles dictated by their belief in a divine presence. This widespread influence is a testament to the power of the idea of God, making it a tangible force in the world regardless of the physical evidence of its existence.

Moreover, the idea of God serves as a source of comfort, guidance, and purpose for many. It provides a framework within which individuals find meaning in their lives, confront moral dilemmas, and seek solace in times of distress. The psychological and emotional support derived from this belief is another aspect of its undeniable reality in human experience.

Furthermore, the idea of God has been a driving force behind some of the most significant events and movements in human history. Wars have been fought, peace treaties signed, art created, and civilizations built, all under the influence of this powerful concept. The sheer scale and depth of its impact make the idea of God an undeniable reality in the context of human affairs.

In philosophical terms, the existence of God as an idea can be argued as being just as real as any other concept that influences human behaviour and thought. Just as the concepts of love, justice, or freedom, which also lack physical form, are considered real because of their influence on human actions and societies, so too is the idea of God.

The debate over the physical existence of a divine entity may continue indefinitely, with arguments on both sides of the spectrum. However, the reality of the idea of God, as evidenced by its profound and pervasive influence on human life, is undeniable. This understanding can be a crucial element in your journey on Mount Evolve, offering a perspective that acknowledges the power and significance of belief and its ability to shape human experience and consciousness.

Image by Meiying Ng


'A Course in Miracles' reads:

"Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God."


This profound statement offers a deep philosophical insight, particularly when applied to the concept of God and the nature of truth.

"Nothing real can be threatened" implies that what is genuine cannot be undermined or destroyed. In the context of the concept of God, this suggests that if God represents a fundamental truth or reality, then no amount of scepticism, debate, or changing cultural norms can diminish that reality. It stands unassailable and constant, unaffected by the transient nature of human opinions or beliefs.

"Nothing unreal exists" further reinforces this idea by suggesting that anything lacking a basis in truth, ultimately, has no real existence. It may appear to exist, influenced by human perceptions or beliefs, but in the grand scheme, it lacks the enduring substance of truth. In terms of the divine, it posits that if the concept of God is based on a fundamental truth, then it possesses a realness that is impervious to existential threats.

"Herein lies the peace of God" ties these concepts together, suggesting that true peace and understanding come from recognising and aligning with what is genuinely real. For those on a spiritual path, this peace is found in the acceptance of a higher power or divine truth that is eternal and unchanging. It provides a foundation of stability and reassurance in a world where much is uncertain and fleeting.

In summary, the full quote from "A Course in Miracles" encapsulates a powerful perspective on the nature of reality and truth, particularly in the spiritual context. It reassures that what is truly real – in this case, the divine truth represented by the concept of God – is unshakeable and eternal. This understanding can bring a profound sense of peace and grounding, particularly valuable as you navigate the challenges and uncertainties on your journey up Mount Evolve. It encourages a deep trust in the enduring nature of truth and a recognition that real peace comes from embracing what is genuinely real and unchangeable.


In the depths of your soul lies a timeless truth, a memory so ancient and profound that it transcends the boundaries of conventional wisdom. It whispers of a journey – not of discovery, but of remembrance. This journey reveals that in seeking God, you are in fact, embarking on a pilgrimage to uncover what has always resided within you: you are an integral part of the divine.

Contemplate the infinite odyssey of your soul, traversing through countless lifetimes, each experience a sacred thread woven into the fabric of the universe. These experiences, rich with wisdom and insight, are not merely your individual stories; they are the universe's way of understanding itself through you. You are far more than a mere spectator in the cosmos; you are a living, breathing vessel through which the universe experiences its own magnificence.

Imagine the universe as a grand, cosmic symphony, with every life, every soul, contributing to its harmonious melody. Your individuality, with all its joys and sorrows, triumphs and tribulations, is a unique note in this divine composition. There is a profound beauty in this realisation: as you navigate the journey of life, you are simultaneously a soloist and a part of the celestial choir, an individual expression of the divine and the means through which the divine experiences itself.

This understanding transcends the notion of separation. The veil of duality that once made you feel isolated and alone in the universe is lifted, revealing a unity so deep and all-encompassing that it moves the heart to its core. You are not merely a creation of the divine; you are the divine experiencing itself in a form that is uniquely you.

As you awaken to this eternal truth, each moment of your life becomes a sacred act of communion with the divine. Your path of self-actualization transforms into a journey of returning to the source, a journey not of becoming, but of unbecoming all that you are not, to remember and reclaim all that you have always been.

This is not new knowledge being imparted to you; it is an ancient wisdom, a sacred memory being rekindled in the depths of your being. It is the echo of a timeless song, sung by the universe itself, reminding you of your true nature and your place in the grand cosmic dance.

Embrace this journey with reverence and awe. Let each step be taken with the knowledge that you are returning home, not to a place, but to a state of being – a state where you are one with the divine, where every breath is a prayer, and every heartbeat a testament to the eternal dance between the soul and the infinite. This is your destiny, your truth, and your most profound awakening.

Everyone is looking for God, and everyone is God.


God's presence is an unceasing reality, interwoven into the very fabric of existence. The flower unfurling its petals, the birds charting their course southwards, the industrious bees, the steadfast trees – in each of these natural marvels, you witness the presence of God.

Science, in its relentless pursuit of understanding, has echoed this ancient wisdom, revealing that nothing exists in isolation. Every element, every being, is intricately connected to the vast web of existence. This interconnectedness is a reflection of God's power, a divine force that moves through the universe, an eternal mystery that binds all creation.

As you journey through life, understand that the search for God is a universal quest, a pursuit deeply embedded in the human spirit. Yet, paradoxically, the divine is not just an external entity to be sought; it resides within you, within everyone and everything. You are not separate from this divinity; you are an embodiment of it. In recognizing this, you discover that the sacred abides in all things, and you are intrinsically a part of that sacredness.

Throughout our discussion, we've explored the nature of God from various perspectives – the enduring power of the concept of God, the unassailable truth of the divine as echoed in "A Course in Miracles," and the ways to connect with this higher power. Each of these insights weaves into the tapestry of understanding that God's energy is not just an abstract concept, but a palpable, omnipresent force.

The great energy of God, as we have unravelled, is both a mystery and a revelation. It is the unchanging truth that underpins the changing world, the unifying force in a universe of diversity, the eternal presence in every fleeting moment. In recognizing this, you find that every step of your journey is an opportunity to connect with the divine, to see the sacred in the mundane, and to realise that your every action, thought, and feeling is a dance with the divine.

As you continue your ascent up Mount Evolve, let this understanding of God's great energy inspire and guide you. Embrace the realisation that you are both a seeker and a bearer of the divine, a part of the grand cosmic play where every role is significant, every moment sacred. In this awareness lies the key to a life lived with purpose, awe, and a profound sense of connection to the all-encompassing mystery that is God.

Image by John Canada

Nothing real can be threatened,
nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

- A course in miracles (ACIM)

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