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The Benefits Of Nose Breathing (Powerful) | The Taller Twins

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Learn The Benefits Of Nose Breathing and Why You Need To Do It

woman's eyes and nose

Breathing is an involuntary process that is essential for life. But did you know that how you breathe can affect your health and well-being? The way we breathe can influence our physical, mental, and emotional state. While breathing through the mouth is common, nose breathing has been found to have numerous benefits. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of nose breathing and why it's essential for our overall health.

What is Nose Breathing?

Nose breathing is the act of inhaling and exhaling through the nose. It is a natural process that the body is designed for. The nose has a natural filtration system that helps to filter out impurities, allergens, and particles from the air we breathe. The air is warmed, moisturized, and conditioned as it passes through the nose. Nose breathing also stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that has many benefits for the body.

The Benefits of Nose Breathing

Improves Oxygen Intake

Nose breathing allows for a more efficient intake of oxygen. When you breathe through your nose, the air is warmed and moistened, which makes it easier for the lungs to extract oxygen from the air. Nose breathing also helps to regulate the flow of air, ensuring that the air we breathe is evenly distributed throughout the lungs. This results in better oxygen uptake and delivery to the body's cells and tissues.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Nose breathing has a calming effect on the body, reducing stress and anxiety. When we breathe through the nose, the air passes through the turbinates, which are small structures in the nose that help to regulate the flow of air. This stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that has been found to have a calming effect on the body. Nitric oxide helps to relax the blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and heart rate, and promoting feelings of calm and relaxation.

Improves Sleep Quality

Breathing through the nose can improve the quality of sleep. When we breathe through our mouths, we tend to take in more air, which can lead to snoring and disrupted sleep. Nose breathing, on the other hand, can help to reduce snoring and promote deeper, more restful sleep. Nose breathing also stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which has been found to improve the quality of sleep.

Boosts Immunity

Nose breathing helps to boost the immune system. The nose has a natural filtration system that helps to filter out impurities and allergens from the air. It also produces mucus, which helps to trap bacteria and viruses. The mucus contains antibodies and enzymes that help to neutralize and kill harmful pathogens. Nose breathing also stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which has been found to have antimicrobial properties.

Improves Athletic Performance

Nose breathing can improve athletic performance. When we breathe through our mouths during exercise, we tend to take in more air, which can lead to hyperventilation and decreased endurance. Nose breathing, on the other hand, can help to regulate the flow of air and prevent hyperventilation. Nose breathing also helps to improve oxygen uptake, which can lead to better endurance and performance.

woman nose breathing


The Impact of Nose Breathing on Facial Structure

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, but did you know that the way you breathe can potentially influence your facial structure? While genetics play a significant role in facial development, recent studies have shown a correlation between nose breathing and positive changes in facial appearance. A notable example that illustrates this connection is the case of the Taller Twins, who experienced distinct changes in facial structure due to their breathing habits. Let's delve into the fascinating realm of nose breathing and its potential impact on facial development.

The Case of the Taller Twins

Perhaps one of the most well-known examples highlighting the influence of breathing on facial structure is the case of the Taller Twins. These identical twin brothers, featured in a documentary titled "Mouthpiece," garnered attention for their strikingly different facial appearances resulting from contrasting breathing habits. One twin predominantly breathed through his nose, while the other habitually breathed through his mouth.

Facial Changes

Over time, the twin who predominantly breathed through his nose exhibited a more balanced facial structure with well-developed jaws, properly aligned teeth and a wider nasal passage. In contrast, the twin who predominantly breathed through his mouth displayed narrower arches, misaligned teeth, and a receding chin. These pronounced differences suggest that nasal breathing may have played a crucial role in shaping their facial structures.

Mechanisms Behind the Changes

The influence of nose breathing on the facial structure can be attributed to various factors. When breathing through the nose, the air is naturally filtered, humidified, and warmed, providing optimal conditions for respiratory health. Additionally, nose breathing promotes the activation of the diaphragm, facilitating efficient oxygen exchange and promoting proper tongue posture. This, in turn, helps maintain a healthy balance between the facial muscles, leading to a more harmonious development of the jaw and other facial features.

Effects on Facial Growth and Function

Nose breathing not only has potential aesthetic benefits but also impacts overall facial growth and function. Proper tongue posture against the palate, which is facilitated by nasal breathing, helps create proper dental arch development. This can lead to improved occlusion, reduced incidence of malocclusion, and enhanced chewing efficiency. Furthermore, nose breathing aids in the proper development of the airways, potentially reducing the risk of breathing-related issues such as sleep apnea and snoring.

Embracing Nose Breathing

Understanding the potential influence of nose breathing on facial structure encourages us to prioritize and promote this natural breathing pattern. Practising nasal breathing during daily activities and adopting breathing exercises can help retrain our breathing habits and optimize facial development. Consulting with healthcare professionals, such as ENT specialists or myofunctional therapists, can provide guidance on exercises and techniques tailored to individual needs.

The Taller Twins and their divergent facial structures serve as a captivating example of how breathing habits, particularly nose breathing, can potentially impact facial development. While more research is needed to further explore this correlation, the connection between nose breathing and favourable changes in facial structure is becoming increasingly recognized. Embracing nasal breathing may not only contribute to better overall health but also potentially enhance facial aesthetics and function. So, take a deep breath through your nose and embrace the potential benefits it holds for your facial structure.


Nose Breathing During Sleep

Of course, during the day you can keep a watchful eye and focus on nose breathing as your primary method. However, at night, when our conscious attention is suspended, it can be hard to note how we are breathing. Since our sleep accounts for on average 1/3 of our day, it is important to make sure we are nose breathing during the night.

There are a few ways we can do this.

The first is to make sure we are not snoring. If you snore you are mouth breathing. If this is the case it may be as simple as just correcting a bad pattern. To do this, force yourself to nose breath by applying a small amount of tape over your mouth as you sleep. You do not need to overdo it. Just a small amount that will be strong enough to force breathing through the nose but not too strong that you be able to break through it with some force.

One strip of micropore tape is fine.

Don't worry. You are not going to suffocate. If for whatever reason your body wasn't getting enough oxygen through your nose, you would wake up and feel it. At which point you could remove the tape. If someone held shut your mouth and nose while you slept you would immediately wake up. The body is not stupid.

This tape method can be all it takes to retrain your body to breathe through your nose as you sleep and once it becomes a habit you will no longer need any more tape. Not to mention, you have killed two birds with one stone. You have eliminated snoring and you are breathing better!

Now, if you are unaware if you breathe through your nose or not, you could use any sleeping app that tracks your noises through the night. Again, if you snore you are mouth breathing. You cannot snore through your nose. Do you dribble? This is anyone sign you are mouth breathing, you can't dribble if you're mouth is shut.

If you are overweight, it's likely you will snore because your body requires more oxygen and it isn't getting enough through the nose and then uses the mouth, similar to when we are severally out of breath and change our breathing to breathe through the mouth to accommodate. For this reason, it may be more difficult for you to nose breathe through the night. Try it, if you keep waking up it's because you need to mouth breathe. If this is the case it's also a sign you need to lose weight as your body is under more stress.

How to Practice Nose Breathing

Practising nose breathing is easy and can be done anytime, anywhere. Here's how to do it:

  1. Sit comfortably and relax your body.

  2. Close your mouth and take a deep breath through your nose.

  3. Hold your breath for a few seconds.

  4. Exhale slowly through your nose.

  5. Repeat for a few minutes.

Address your breathing. It is crucial to your health and an underappreciated element of our existence. Just a couple of minutes without it and that's it.

You can practice nose breathing anytime, whether you're sitting at your desk, walking, or exercising. It's a simple yet effective way to improve your health.


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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using nose breathing for therapeutic purposes.


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