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Writer's pictureLuca Cosentino

How to Raise Your Energy to New Heights (Instant Results)

Updated: May 17, 2023

Learn how to instantly raise your energy levels using these tips.

woman with high energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

It can only be transferred.

Energy is always moving through your body, it is not that you lack the energy it is usually that you prevent the flow of energy.

The energy level you experience is a consequence of your actions. Whilst there are variables like age that can affect your energy, the majority you feel is your own doing. You can still take action to boost your energy and maximise its potential.

Let's take a look at some of the things you can start doing today to instantly improve your energy levels!

Tip #1 - MOVE

Get up and move. We are all aware of how we feel when we sit around. It induces lethargy and our muscles become stiff and tight. Moving will move the fluids through your body and raise your heart rate, increasing your energy right away. Spend at least 30 minutes a day exercising.


Water is the most precious element of life. Drinking water will flush out excess toxins, and transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, helping to increase energy and fight fatigue. You should be consuming between 2-3 litres of water every day.

"ENERGY is the currency of the Universe, spend it well, invest it wisely."


Sure, we all enjoy a treat now and then but how much energy is lost as a consequence of consistently eating poorly? Food is fuel for the body and if you give the body the wrong fuel and it won't perform at its best. Just as a petrol car would with diesel.

How do you feel after bad food? Tired? Lethargic? Sleepy? Moody? These are all consequences we suffer for hours, even days over the small 10-20 minutes of taste pleasure. Can you delay the fast gratification of taste for the slow gratification of energy? Focus on making your diet at least 80% from whole foods. If you can't hit that number, go as close to it as you can and improve on it.

man with high energy

Tip #4 - SLEEP

Whilst we may do many positive things to improve our energy, none will provide any benefits if sleep isn't taken care of. Sleep hygiene is the number one most important factor when it comes to energy. If you have a good sleeping routine, your energy will flourish. Check out our sleep element page to learn more about how to optimise your sleep.

Tip #5 - MINDSET

An overlooked concept that plays a huge role in energy is your mindset. To demonstrate this let's imagine someone you love breaks up with you. You'd likely feel very down, slow, and not motivated to do anything and lay around.

Now let's imagine they phone you and explain they've thought about their decision and decided it was wrong, they want you back. You now jump with joy, clean your room, do what you need to do and are as happy, optimistic and as energic as can be.

What changed?

Nothing, just your mindset. Your mindset and your thoughts affect how you feel, and consequently how you feel also affects the thoughts that you think, creating a loop of any emotion in question. Your mindset is extremely powerful in dictating your energy.


Final thoughts...

Your energy is in constant flux, changing from moment to moment but we can create a positive trajectory. Remember, your energy is your currency, spend it well, and invest it wisely.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any recommendations here for medicinal or therapeutic purposes.


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