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Writer's pictureLuca Cosentino

Mindset Is Everything (You Are The Creator)

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

Why Mindset Is Everything and Why Your Entire Experience of Life is Your Creation.

positive mindset
"The outer is merely a reflection of the inner"


There is very little in life you can control. You can't control the weather, you can't control what people say or do, you can't even control your body working. Sure you may have some influence over things, but you do not control them. We like to go through life asserting our will upon it. Asking it to bend to our needs and desires.

Great peace is realised when we humble ourselves to the fact that we have very little control over life. We surrender to the flow of it. Each moment is created in its perfection to the divinity of life.

What we do have is complete control over our mindset.

This simple but powerful idea can transform your entire life. Understanding this universal truth will provide you with more power over your mental health and mindset than anything else. Being aware of one's thoughts is the key to liberation from them.

You are not your thoughts, you are the one that sees them.

Any situation allows you a choice of how you respond to it.

If someone insults you, do you have to get angry?

The weather is rainy, do you have to be frustrated?

You have to wait in line, do you have to feel impatience?

You can react in any way you desire to, the difficulty is most people are so absorbed in their thoughts they have little awareness to act in any other way than reactivity. Reactivity is like the child of the mind screaming and shouting at something it doesn't like. The composed parent-like mind doesn't react, it understands the bigger picture, and it accepts the situation may not be able to be changed. After all, reacting with any negative emotion of your choosing hurts one person,


Have you ever spent the day reliving and telling everyone about a situation that happened to you that you didn't like or didn't deserve? Constantly stirring up the same emotions over and over again as if the situation was still happening?


Why keep suffering? Why keep feeling anger? The frustration? The hate?

It serves no purpose to do this but we do it anyway. We are addicted to the feeling of being a victim, to be right and prove someone else wrong. It reinforces our identity of whatever identity we live by, none of them is real, and that's the illusion of self. The teaching many great teachers have taught including Jesus and the Buddha and a whole other topic we will go into one day.

Take back control of your mindset and you can change your life experience. Your reality is a projection of your mindset. A fearful mind sees a fearful mind, a loving mind sees a loving mind.

"If you don't take control of your mind you become a feather in the wind, waiting for life to blow you from happy place to sad place, from happy place to sad place."

stressed mindset


From this point, you have a choice. You can take back control of your mind and how you choose to react to things or you can cruise through life in autopilot mode, happy when things go your way and angry when they don't, your state of mind being a fragile scene of vulnerability.

No control. At the mercy of your mind, a moment from despair.

Or a mindset you control. You do not give away your peace of mind. It remains in your control. No situation can affect it, no one can change it, and nothing can take you out of equanimity if you choose to not let it.

You control your mind, it doesn't control you.

"The mind makes a great servant, but a terrible master"


If you enjoyed this post and would like to learn more about why mindset is everything, be sure to check out our page with more detail on the subject at

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