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Writer's pictureLuca Cosentino

How To Cleanse Crystals | Radiant | Cleansing Guide

Updated: May 22, 2023

Discover the Power of Crystal Cleansing and Learn How to Do it Right

crystal cleansing

As crystals have become increasingly popular for their beauty and healing properties, more and more people are discovering the importance of keeping their gems clean and energized. Whether you use crystals for meditation, manifestation, or just as decorative pieces, regular cleansing can help restore their natural vibrations and ensure that they work effectively. In this article, we'll explore the various methods how to cleanse your crystals and provide step-by-step instructions for how to do it right.



Using Water:

One of the most common ways to cleanse crystals is with water. However, it's important to note that not all crystals can be submerged in water, as some may dissolve or become damaged. For those that can be safely cleaned with water, there are a few different methods to try:

  • Running Water: Hold your crystal under a running faucet or stream of water for several minutes, visualizing the water washing away any negative energy or impurities.

  • Salt Water: Fill a bowl with water and add a tablespoon of sea salt. Place your crystal in the bowl and let it soak for several hours or overnight. Be sure to rinse your crystal thoroughly afterwards to remove any salt residue.

  • Moon Water: Place your crystal in a bowl of water and leave it outside overnight during a full moon. The energy of the moon's light and water will cleanse and charge your crystal.

Using Smoke:

Another popular method of crystal cleansing is with smoke. This can be done with various herbs and plants, such as sage, palo santo, or cedar. To cleanse your crystals with smoke, follow these steps:

  • Light your chosen herb or plant and let it burn for a few seconds until it starts to smoulder.

  • Hold your crystal in the smoke, moving it around so that the smoke covers all sides.

  • Visualize the smoke clearing away any negative energy or impurities from your crystal.

  • When you're finished, extinguish the herb or plant and let the smoke dissipate.

Using Earth:

Crystals come from the earth, so it's only fitting that they can be cleansed with earth as well. Here are a few ways to cleanse your crystals using the earth:

  • Burying: Dig a small hole in the ground and place your crystal inside. Cover it with dirt and let it sit for at least 24 hours.

  • Using Salt: Fill a bowl with salt and place your crystal on top. Let it sit for several hours or overnight, then rinse off the salt.

  • Using Crystals: Some crystals, such as clear quartz or selenite, have cleansing properties themselves. You can place your crystal on a bed of these cleansing crystals to help it clear away any negativity or impurities.


Cleansing your crystals is an important part of their care and maintenance, and there are several methods to choose from. Whether you prefer water, smoke, or earth, the key is to do it regularly and with intention. By keeping your crystals clean and energized, you can unlock their full potential and enjoy their beauty and healing properties for years to come.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using crystals for therapeutic purposes.


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