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Image by Karl Fredrickson

the path of


The mindset path is your internal compass, guiding your perception of life's challenges and opportunities. It's the map you use to navigate the twists and turns of your journey.

Think of it as the captain of your ship, steering you through stormy seas and calm waters alike. With a growth mindset, you view challenges as chances for growth, just as a skilled sailor turns adversity into skill-building moments.

A positive mindset is the wind beneath your wings, propelling you forward. It's the belief that your abilities can expand, leading to greater achievements and resilience, much like a bird learning to fly higher.

Crucially, mindset isn't fixed; it's flexible. With deliberate effort, you can shift from a fixed to a growth mindset, unlocking your potential and embracing change, much like an explorer adapting to new territories.

In essence, the mindset path is your life's navigator. It shapes your decisions, influences your destiny, and empowers you to reach your full potential in your life's journey.

Image by Quinton Coetzee


Your mindset dictates how you experience reality. All things in the Universe are inherently neutral and empty of meaning. It is us that apply our own beliefs and meanings to everything. One man may love a certain car and dream of it his whole life, he finds it the most beautiful car he's ever seen. Another man may find it ugly and would never want to drive it.


Is the car beautiful or ugly? It is neither. It is whatever you say it is.

The car is neutral and empty of meaning. It is us that gives it its worth. This understanding of life can be liberating. You are creating your experience of life. So take back control. What kind of world do you want to see out there?

What you hate most in others is actually what you hate most in yourself.


What we think we experience 'out there' is a reflection of what's 'in here'. Our minds carry a life's worth of impressions, beliefs and experiences. We then project this onto the outer world and create our experience of it. As we said earlier, the outer world is neutral and empty of meaning. With our understanding of life, we are always projecting onto the present moment with our minds.


In an example of a homeless person, how each person walking past them would see them differently. Someone who carries a lot of fear would project that onto the homeless person and see them as a threat, maybe a danger. They would likely feel anxious and quickly walk on by. A person carrying a lot of anger would likely see the homeless person and be angry, maybe at the system and society that allows such a thing or maybe at the person. Someone walking past full of love may want to help the homeless person. They understand regardless of how they got there, they are still in need of love and help. Which scenario is the correct one? Again, none of them. You see the situation through your state of consciousness.


We all carry our personalised filter, creating a different perception of the outside world. This "filter" is your level of consciousness. You are creating the reality you experience. If you want to change what you see out there, first change yourself. Mindset is everything.

Image by Ian Stauffer


Improving your mindset starts with first becoming aware of it. What aspects are dominating your perception? Are you fearful about everything? Jealous? Prideful and stubborn? First, become aware of your flaws and investigate where they came from and why you still harbour them. Some go way back into your past. Investigate. You can then begin to heal them by bringing your awareness to them. Creating a healthy mind.

Maybe you're a very insecure, anxious person. You project this onto situations. Always doubtful, never trusting anything or anyone. Investigate why you always feel this way, and where does it come from? Maybe someone betrayed your trust and it hurt you deeply. To prevent this from happening again the mind is now extra cautious and is projecting its doubt and mistrust onto everything, although, this is causing you to live in constant anxiety and not trust maybe the closest people in your life anymore. This ultimately will only end in damaged relationships. Become aware of your projections, and investigate and heal them. Change yourself first. The rest will follow.

Image by Siim Lukka

What world do you want to experience? Create that in yourself first.


Fixed Mindset

In a fixed mindset, individuals believe that their abilities, intelligence, and talents are fixed traits, much like unchanging terrain on a map. They tend to view challenges as threats to their inherent abilities and often avoid tasks where they might not immediately excel, akin to climbers avoiding difficult paths up a mountain.

Failure is seen as a reflection of their inherent limitations, leading to a fear of making mistakes or taking risks. This mindset can stifle creativity and hinder personal and professional growth, as individuals are less likely to seek out opportunities for learning and development.

Growth Mindset

On the other hand, a growth mindset is like viewing life's challenges as dynamic, ever-changing landscapes. Individuals with a growth mindset believe that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance, much like climbers mastering new techniques to conquer ever-changing mountain conditions.

In a growth mindset, failure is seen as an opportunity for learning and growth, not as a reflection of one's limitations. This mindset fosters resilience and a willingness to take on challenges, even if success is not guaranteed.

Ultimately, the key distinction between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset lies in how individuals perceive their own potential. A fixed mindset limits growth, while a growth mindset cultivates a spirit of continuous improvement and the courage to explore new paths, much like the climbers who embrace the ascent of Mount Evolve with determination and adaptability. Whatever mindset path you choose to invest in, it will return huge rewards on your perception of life.


Image by ian dooley

A positive mindset enhances your ability to bounce back from setbacks, much like climbers on challenging terrain. It empowers you to face adversity with determination and adaptability.

Image by Nathan Dumlao

A positive mindset fuels ambition and perseverance, driving you to set and attain ambitious goals, similar to climbers aiming for the summit.

Image by Francisco  Moreno

It fosters a hopeful outlook, helping you see opportunities in difficulties, similar to how explorers see uncharted territories as new frontiers to conquer.

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Research suggests that a positive mindset can lead to better health outcomes, including reduced stress and improved overall well-being, much like the importance of maintaining physical and mental health during challenging expeditions.

Image by Wesley Tingey

A growth mindset encourages continuous learning and development, akin to the way scholars and scientists embrace new knowledge and discoveries.

Learning to Skate

It promotes empathy and understanding in interactions with others, just as effective communication is crucial for successful collaborations on the journey of life.


"A New Mind" is a transformative journey on Mount Evolve. Combining meditation and mindset, it reshapes your perception of reality. Through conscious thought and mindfulness, this walk empowers you to create a new and more empowering version of your reality, fostering personal growth and self-actualisation.


"The Shift" hike integrates mindset cultivation, journaling, affirmations, visualisation, and letting go, to transform your perspective and outlook on life. This hike promotes mental and emotional growth, leading to significant changes in your approach to life, fostering positivity, resilience, and a profound shift in personal consciousness.

If you want to change the World, start with yourself.

Mahatma Gandhi

The World is a projection of the mind. Good mind, good World. Bad mind, bad World. No mind, no World.

Swami Parthasarathy

You create your reality.

Jane Roberts

Image by NEOM

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