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Image by Adrien Olichon

the path of


Conscious media is like a beacon of mindful illumination in the noisy landscape of content. It's a transformative force in the digital age, harnessing the power of storytelling and technology to uplift and inspire.

It's content with intention, not merely designed for passive consumption, but crafted to awaken the soul. Conscious media seeks to enlighten, inform, and engage.

In this era of information overload, conscious media is the compass, helping us navigate the tumultuous terrain of the digital world. It encourages critical thinking, promotes empathy, and fosters positive change, echoing the transformative journey of self-development on Mount Evolve.

Moreover, it's a call to action. Conscious media challenges us to become active participants in our own growth, inspiring us to embark on our quests for self-improvement.

Media surrounds us wherever we are, whatever we are doing. Whether it's by phone, TV, computer, or adverts, you can be sure you're not far away from the media. 

What you consume affects the body and mind, perhaps even the spirit and soul. Not just by manipulating the way you think, but also on a deeper level. Certain media could have a damaging or healing effect on the body. 

The idea is of conscious media is to bring awareness to what we consume. Each day we are presented with an abundance of choices and many of us are choosing the media we consume without thought. We can change that and changing it will ultimately change us. Think of how you felt after watching something so moving or something so interesting. You connect with it and it has the ability to completely alter your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about reality.

In essence, conscious media is a digital trailhead leading us towards a higher plane of awareness, compassion, and enlightenment. It invites us to tread the path of mindful consumption, forging a brighter future on the slopes of Mount Evolve and beyond.

Image by z yu


We are faced with choices each and every day. Your energy is the currency of the Universe and your time is the most valuable asset you have. No amount of money can buy back even a second of your life.

Yet how much time and energy do we waste on useless, negative media? We not only waste our precious time and energy but also allow it to affect our minds on a subconscious level. Altering how we think and feel, usually through our subconscious mind via subliminal messaging.


This is exactly how mainstream media controls the way the population thinks, and when you control how someone thinks you can, for the most part, control how they act.


This is the world we currently live in. 

It operates through manipulation. Usually biased information, agenda-pushing narratives and propaganda. Ever noticed how everything you see on the news is negative, fearful, and worrying and consequently creates fear, worry and anxiety within you?


Do these emotions create the best version of you?


Or do they limit you?


Keep you malleable and predictable, unaware of your true nature, limitless and boundless? Driven by love rather than fear.

There's a war on consciousness and we are being kept divided from each other, operating in low consciousness states of fear, anger and guilt.


It's time to recognise the game being played upon us.

It's time to wake up.

Image by Gian Cescon

You know when something is good for you or not, just listen to your intuition, feel more, and think less.


Having the awareness to choose more conscious media relies on awareness of how said media makes you feel. The same thing can cause two different reactions in two different people. It is up to you to identify what you consume and the effect it has on you on the level you can be aware of, remember media can and will affect you on a deeper level. Bring awareness to how you think and feel during and after you consume any particular media. This is your indication, it is not always the content of the media, it is how it makes you feel. Your body responds to feelings and cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is fictional.


The fear you experience whilst watching a horror film still produces the same effects as if it were real life in some people and we can see this through the increase in heart rate, sweating, and fast breathing. The body is preparing a fight-or-flight response to the media. 

Do you feel good when watching an animal be rescued? Or bad when you witness an animal being killed? Everything we consume is creating biochemical alterations in our bodies. 

Swap negative mainstream news for positive, uplifting stories in the world.

Swap a poor documentary filmmaker on murder for an award-winning nature documentary and see the beauty of the world.

Swap degenerate, violent music for some positive, uplifting music and create an instant mind shift to positivity. There are endless opportunities for new awareness and growth.

Image by davide ragusa

When did you read or watch something positive in the news? Is there really that much of a lack of positive stories in the World?


In 1995 Dr David Hawkins released a book called Power vs. Force. The book demonstrates our ability to know truth from falsehood in any statement. He describes how everything in existence can be calibrated on a consciousness level between 1 to 1000. 1 being the lowest and simply just existing. 1000 is the highest possible calibration on this planet and that of the great avatars of our time e.g. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc. Below the critical level of 200 on this scale everything resides in force, it is destructive, life-destructing and above the level of 200, power resides. It is life-giving and has a positive effect on us. He could test the truth of any statement and its calibration by a kinesiology method where the subject's arm will go weak during a false statement or negative stimuli (below 200) and go strong during a true statement or positive stimuli (above 200).

What we can take away from this understanding is that everything has a calibration and frequency and therefore affects us positively or negatively. Seeing negativity creates a weak response in us and seeing love makes our arm go strong. If we bring awareness to what we watch, read, listen to and ultimately consume, we can give ourselves positive, life-enhancing media.

Image by Akshar Dave🌻


Staying free in the digital age, especially regarding the media you consume, is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy perspective on the world. Here are some strategies to help you be mindful of the media you consume and avoid falling into information traps:

Curate Your Information Sources

Select your primary news sources carefully. Choose reliable and reputable outlets known for their accuracy and unbiased reporting. Avoid sources that are sensationalist or have a clear agenda. Don't believe anyone just because they say so or because everyone does, make up your mind after vetting your sources and building trust with them over some time. 

Diversify Your Sources

Consume news and media from a variety of sources with different perspectives. This can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues and avoid echo chambers.

Limit Screen Time

Set daily or weekly limits on your screen time, including social media, news apps, and entertainment platforms. Use this time for more meaningful activities like reading, exercise, or spending quality time with loved ones.


Before sharing or believing a sensational news story, fact-check it with reputable fact-checking organizations or multiple reliable sources. Misinformation spreads easily, so be a responsible consumer and sharer of news.

Practice Media Fasting

Periodically, take short breaks from media consumption. This can help clear your mind reduce information overload and step out of a negative and fear-filled cycle.

Question Your Motives

Ask yourself why you're consuming a particular piece of media. Is it for information, entertainment, or validation of existing beliefs? Being aware of your motives can help you make more conscious choices.

Evaluate Emotional Impact

Pay attention to how media makes you feel. If a certain type of content consistently triggers negative emotions like anxiety or anger, consider reducing or eliminating your exposure to it.

Engage in Critical Thinking

Develop critical thinking skills to analyse the media critically. Question the sources, motives, and narratives presented in news stories.

Unfollow and Unsubscribe

Regularly review your social media feeds and email subscriptions. Unfollow or unsubscribe from accounts or sources that no longer align with your values or contribute positively to your life.

Mindful Consumption

Be present and focused when consuming media. Avoid multitasking, as it can diminish your ability to critically assess information.

Teach Media Literacy

Educate yourself and others about media literacy. Understanding how media is produced and disseminated can help you spot manipulation and propaganda.

Who Benefits?

It's all well and good reporting on news without any embedded interests in the story, however, when often consuming news, you'll find someone or an organisation benefits from this story or action. If money is involved at a high level, you should question to validity of the source.

Seek Balance

Find a balance between staying informed and protecting your mental well-being. It's essential to stay aware of the world's events, but not at the cost of your mental health.

Support Quality Journalism

Consider subscribing to or supporting independent journalism organizations committed to honest and in-depth reporting.

By implementing these strategies, you can maintain your freedom from undue media influence and engage with information more mindfully. This approach aligns with your journey on Mount Evolve, fostering critical thinking and self-awareness in your media consumption habits and ultimately, allowing you to stay free!

Image by Jeremy Bishop


Image by Varun Gaba

Conscious media encourages viewers to approach content with mindfulness and intention, fostering critical thinking and discernment.

Image by Markus Spiske

It raises awareness of important social, environmental, and cultural issues, educating the public and inspiring engagement in relevant causes.


It promotes empathy by showcasing diverse perspectives and stories, helping viewers better understand the experiences of others.

Image by name_ gravity

Many pieces serve as catalysts for personal growth and self-improvement, encouraging viewers to reflect on their values and beliefs.

Image by Miguel Bruna

Conscious media often features stories of resilience and positive role models, motivating viewers to take action and make meaningful improvements in their lives and communities.

Image by Shane Rounce

Conscious media can bring together like-minded individuals who share common values and interests, fostering connections and collaborations for positive change.


"Outside the Matrix" walk focuses on conscious media consumption, mindset development, and breaking free from routine. It encourages questioning media narratives and propaganda, fostering awareness and critical thinking. The walk promotes recognising and changing limiting routines, leading to a liberated, informed, and awakened approach to life.

The body can discern, to the finest degree, the difference between that which is supportive of life and that which is not.

Dr David Hawkins

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.

Jim Morrison

If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

Image by NEOM

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