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Image by Paul Bulai


Amidst the awe-inspiring grandeur of Mount Evolve, the presence of God resonates profoundly. The sacred mountain becomes a sanctuary where seekers connect with the divine essence. In the gentle whispers of the wind and the vibrant colours of the sunrise, the divine energy reveals itself. Within the heart, a divine spark ignites, guiding us on our transformative pilgrimage. As we ascend, the divine presence grows stronger, enveloping us in unconditional love, wisdom, and purpose. Mount Evolve becomes a sacred portal, uniting us with the divine, enriching our souls, and revealing the boundless potential of our spiritual journey. God's presence envelops us, becoming stronger as we summit ourselves.



Light exposure plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, serving as a powerful influencer of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Its importance can be likened to the way climbers rely on the sun's guidance during their ascent, as light profoundly impacts our biological rhythms and overall health.

Firstly, light exposure governs our circadian rhythm, the body's internal clock. Natural light exposure during the day helps regulate this rhythm, ensuring alertness and productivity while promoting restful sleep at night. Irregular light exposure, such as excessive artificial light at night, can disrupt this cycle, leading to sleep disturbances and health issues.

Moreover, light exposure influences our mood and mental health. Exposure to natural light, particularly sunlight, triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with improved mood. It can help alleviate symptoms of conditions like seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and depression. Conversely, lack of light exposure, especially during the dark winter months, can contribute to mood disorders.

Light exposure also impacts physical health. Sunlight is a primary source of vitamin D, essential for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. Adequate light exposure supports these vital processes, while insufficient exposure can lead to deficiencies and related health issues.

Our bodies have evolved alongside the sun for millennia and the sunlight is the biggest natural pointer to our bodies for information on our surroundings. Light is grounded in the core of our physiology.

The light from the sun holds a plethora of benefits that we will look at in more detail soon. On the surface, to understand the importance of sunlight in our lives we only have to look at our body's synergistic relationship with the sun and specifically day time and night time.

Our whole lives have become symbiotic with the sun. We wake with the sun and we sleep with the sun and for optimum health, we need to flow with this evolution. 

In summary, light exposure is essential for maintaining a well-regulated circadian rhythm, supporting mental health, and ensuring the body receives critical nutrients like vitamin D. Much like climbers who navigate their paths with the sun's guidance, harnessing the benefits of light exposure is vital for a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Image by NEOM


Exposure to natural light, particularly sunlight, offers a crucial benefit by facilitating the body's production of vitamin D. This essential nutrient plays a multifaceted role in our well-being. Vitamin D is indispensable for strong bones, as it helps the body absorb calcium, contributing to skeletal health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Beyond bone health, vitamin D also supports the immune system, aiding in the body's defence against infections and illnesses.


Furthermore, it has been associated with improved mood and mental health, making it a vital component of overall well-being. Harnessing the benefits of vitamin D through appropriate light exposure ensures that the body has the necessary tools to maintain robust physical health and emotional vitality, enhancing one's journey of self-development.


We've probably all heard of this benefit from sunlight and for good reason. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for our health. Responsible for muscle contractions, preventing bone loss and even reducing the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

When exposed to sunlight your skin will absorb vitamin D into the body. You also do not need to specifically sit outside for this benefit. Simply increasing natural light in your home can still have an impact although direct sunlight exposure is the way to go where it's possible. There are also very few better feelings than feeling the warmth of the sun's rays on your skin!

Many ancient civilizations saw the Sun as a God. 

Maybe it's time we had a similar appreciation for the sun and the importance it has in our lives.


Light exposure plays a significant role in regulating our sleep patterns, impacting our ability to achieve restful and rejuvenating slumber.

During the day, exposure to natural light, particularly in the morning, helps synchronise our internal circadian rhythm. This "body clock" governs the release of hormones like melatonin, which promote alertness during the day and signal the body when it's time to sleep at night. Exposure to bright natural light upon waking reinforces this daytime alertness, making it easier to stay awake and focused.

Conversely, as evening approaches, reducing exposure to artificial light, especially blue light emitted by screens, is essential. Blue light suppresses melatonin production, potentially leading to difficulty falling asleep.

Exposure to natural light allows the mind and body to know the time of day and this can create a cohesive circadian rhythm. Bright light into the eyes (not directly) fires neurons to the brain to regulate melatonin to make you alert during the day and sleepy during the night. 

With this information, we can understand the relationship between how we feel during different times of the day and creating a great flow of symmetry in our own lives with that of the sun will create a harmonised body. This relationship, our bodies create a free-flowing wake-to-sleep cycle. All the cells and hormones move accordingly with this and our bodies and mind feel the benefits of this as a result.

You can imagine sleeping during the day and waking during the night as trying to swim upstream to a river's current. Whilst you may be able to fight through it. Everything is inclined to move in a certain direction. It's the same with your body and daylight. The more time you spend awake during the night and asleep during the day the harder you are fighting your body's natural processes. Eventually, this will take a toll on your health.


In essence, optimising light exposure during the day and minimizing it in the evening helps maintain a well-regulated circadian rhythm, ensuring better sleep quality. This natural synchronisation of our body clock promotes the restorative sleep necessary for physical and mental well-being, crucial for embarking on a successful journey of self-development. 

Image by NEOM


Light exposure has a profound impact on our mood and emotional well-being. Sunlight, in particular, is a natural mood booster, primarily due to its role in triggering the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.

When we bask in natural light, especially during daylight hours, our bodies increase serotonin production. This boost in serotonin can elevate our mood, increase overall positivity, and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. It's like having a natural mood-enhancing tool at our disposal.

Conversely, insufficient exposure to natural light, especially during the dark winter months, can lead to a drop in serotonin levels. This reduction is often associated with conditions like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), where individuals experience low mood and lethargy during periods of reduced daylight. SAD (seasonal affective disorder) can occur during months of lack of sunlight for some people. With this disorder, a person can develop feelings of depression during times of the year, specifically when lacking sunlight. 

About 6% of the population suffers from this form of depression and another 14% suffer from a milder "winter blues". On the other hand, sunlight can trigger the retina to release serotonin, the hormone responsible for playing a key role in improving mood, sleep, digestion, bone health, sexual desire and many more.

We can see from this that the sun has a direct impact on how we feel and consequently affects our lives as a result. We all know how good it feels to be in the sun but many of us don't realise the true power the sun has on us and our moods and feelings, not to mention our health and well-being.

In summary, light exposure, particularly sunlight, is a natural mood regulator. It promotes the release of serotonin, enhancing our emotional well-being and helping us maintain a positive outlook on life. Just as climbers prepare for the right conditions to ensure a successful ascent, harnessing the benefits of light exposure can contribute significantly to a happier, more emotionally balanced life during your journey of self-development.

Every single form of life on this planet has a relationship with light. Without light, we would cease to exist.

Image by Andrea Caramello


The colours of light, specifically blue and red, have distinct effects on our bodies and minds.

Blue Light

Blue light, particularly from screens like phones and computers, can have both positive and negative impacts. Exposure to blue light during the day can help boost alertness, enhance cognitive function, and regulate our circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin production, ensuring we stay awake and focused. However, excessive blue light exposure, especially in the evening, can disrupt our sleep patterns by inhibiting melatonin release, potentially leading to sleep disturbances and mood disturbances.

Red Light

In contrast, red light has a calming and soothing effect. It's often used in settings designed to promote relaxation and sleep, much like climbers finding a serene campsite. Red light has been associated with improved sleep quality, reduced sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep), and a more restful night's sleep. Its calming influence can help alleviate stress and anxiety, creating a conducive environment for relaxation and emotional well-being.

In summary, understanding the effects of different light colours on our bodies and minds allows us to use them strategically in our daily routines. Managing our exposure to blue and red light can contribute to better sleep and emotional balance during our journey of self-development.

Image by Mohamed Rishfaan


With its multifaceted effects, sunlight positively impacts the mind, body, and spirit.


Sunlight significantly influences mental well-being. Exposure to natural light triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood elevation. This boost in serotonin levels promotes feelings of happiness, reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, and fosters an overall positive outlook on life. Sunlight also enhances mental alertness and cognitive function, helping individuals stay focused and sharp throughout the day.


Sunlight provides a range of benefits to the body, much like climbers nourishing themselves with the right resources for their journey. It's essential for the production of vitamin D, which supports bone health, strengthens the immune system, and aids in various physiological processes. Sunlight also regulates the body's circadian rhythm, ensuring restful sleep and wakefulness at appropriate times, crucial for overall physical health and vitality. Moreover, sunlight encourages physical activity by creating an inviting outdoor environment, promoting exercise that supports cardiovascular health, fitness, and overall well-being.


Sunlight nourishes the spirit by fostering a sense of connection with nature and the world, similar to how climbers feel a profound connection with the mountains they ascend. Spending time in natural light can evoke a deep sense of tranquillity, inner peace, and spiritual rejuvenation. It provides an opportunity for reflection and introspection, often leading to profound insights and a sense of oneness with the universe. Sunlight also encourages outdoor activities like meditation and yoga, enhancing one's spiritual practice and facilitating a deeper connection with the self.

In summary, sunlight's positive effects encompass the mind's emotional well-being, the body's physical health, and the spirit's sense of connection and inner peace. Just as climbers draw strength from their surroundings, harnessing the benefits of sunlight contributes significantly to holistic well-being and self-development, promoting a balanced and harmonious life journey.

Image by Daoudi Aissa


Light exposure is the radiant sunrise of well-being, illuminating the path to health, mood, and vitality. It's the gentle touch of morning rays, awakening your senses and infusing your life with radiance. Much like climbers rely on the sun's guidance in their ascent, light exposure is your compass on the journey of self-discovery. It's the sparkle in your eyes as you bask in the sun's embrace, the soothing glow of candlelight during quiet evenings, and the vibrant hues of nature's palette.


Light is not just photons; it's a symphony that orchestrates your circadian rhythm, governs your mood, and nourishes your spirit. It's the key to regulating sleep, enhancing mood, and igniting your inner fire of creativity. Whether you're chasing the sun on a morning walk or savouring the soft warmth of a cosy lamp, light exposure is your bridge to a brighter, more vibrant, and enlightened you. So, welcome the dawn's embrace, for in every ray, in every shade, and in every flicker, you uncover the illuminating power of light exposure on your journey to the peak of self.


Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, essential for strong bones, immune health, and overall well-being.

Sunlight helps regulate the body's internal clock, promoting restful sleep and wakefulness at appropriate times.

Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, promoting feelings of happiness and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Time spent in natural light can reduce stress and promote relaxation, improving overall well-being.

Adequate sunlight exposure contributes to strong bones and a reduced risk of osteoporosis.

Vitamin D from sunlight strengthens the immune system, aiding in disease prevention.

Sunlight fosters mental alertness and cognitive function, helping with focus and clarity.

Outdoor activities in sunlight encourage physical exercise, supporting cardiovascular health and fitness.

Sunlight fosters a sense of connection with nature, inner peace, and spiritual rejuvenation.



Adopt some of these tips to instantly improve your light exposure.

Image by NEOM

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