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Altitude on Mount Evolve symbolises far more than physical elevation; it's a measure of consciousness and transformation. As you climb higher, your view of the world and yourself expands. Everyone begins their journey at a particular altitude and with each step, you grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Challenges at higher altitudes become opportunities for growth, fostering resilience and adaptability. A shift in perspective occurs, revealing the interconnectedness of all life. Altitude serves as a metaphor for life's journey, where personal evolution is an ever-upward spiral. On Mount Evolve, it's not just about reaching the summit; it's about the profound transformation experienced during the ascent.

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At sea level, also known as "Base" on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you find yourself at the beginning of a transformative journey. This stage represents the baseline of consciousness and physicality, where the ground feels solid but life is challenging. The climb has not yet started, but the potential for growth is immense. Here, you lay the foundation for the ascent ahead. It’s a place of suffering and learning, where understanding your karma and potential is difficult. Your consciousness is narrow, energy is low, and emotions like guilt and shame dominate. Your relationship with the divine may feel distant or strained. However, this pain will soon become the catalyst that propels you toward a brighter future.


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10,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude marks the first tangible action you've taken towards change, but it's also where the struggle becomes apparent. It's a stage of experimentation and initial efforts, but the path is uneven, and progress feels uncertain. At this level, you might falter and return to old habits, temporarily losing sight of your transformational goals. It's a period of trial and error, where persistence is tested, and the pull of the past can be strong. Despite setbacks, each attempt carries valuable lessons, laying the groundwork for future success. At this stage Grief and regret play a big part in your world view and this altitude is a reminder that change is a journey with its share of challenges, and it's in persevering through these early stages that you pave the way for lasting transformation.

10,000 FT | STEPS

Image by Nick Bolton

25,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude marks the first tangible action you've taken towards change, but it's also where the struggle becomes apparent. It's a stage of experimentation and initial efforts, but the path is uneven, and progress feels uncertain. At this level, you might falter and return to old habits, temporarily losing sight of your transformational goals. It's a period of trial and error, where persistence is tested, and the pull of the past can be strong. Despite setbacks, each attempt carries valuable lessons, laying the groundwork for future success. At this stage Grief and regret play a big part in your world view and this altitude is a reminder that change is a journey with its share of challenges, and it's in persevering through these early stages that you pave the way for lasting transformation.

25,000 FT | STRUGGLE

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At 50,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you've begun to make discernible strides toward change, but the path is still marked by inconsistency. It's a stage where you're actively trying to break free from old patterns, yet there are moments of both progress and regression. This phase is characterised by being "on and off," where you experience periods of dedication and commitment interspersed with moments of wavering resolve. The journey may still feel like an uphill battle, but you're steadily building momentum. This altitude can stir emotions of fear and anxiety for both life and the battle ahead. Though the stuttered progress reminds you that transformation is rarely a linear path; it's the culmination of persistent efforts, even during the times when your steps falter.

50,000 FT | MOVEMENT

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At 100,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you've transitioned from sporadic progress to more consistent, upward movement. You are not yet at full speed but you're gathering momentum. The transformational journey is now underway, and you're witnessing more changes in your body, mind, and spirit. The craving for self-development intensifies, becoming a driving force in your life. Your worldview undergoes a noticeable shift as you recognise the profound impact of this journey. Your desire can turn to anger as you begin to feel your intense energy for change. This energy is what will fuel you to new heights so harness it. Do not beat yourself up when things do not go your way, you are improving each day. The world is beginning to show you its potential.

100,000 FT | RISE

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125,000 ft now and you're starting to see the true ascension of Mount Evolve. This altitude is where momentum firmly takes hold. As you persistently follow a specific path towards self-improvement, you start to witness your first significant results. The efforts you've put into your journey are now paying off, and you're beginning to see the positive changes in your body, mind, and spirit. These initial results become a source of motivation, driving you to continue and deepen your commitment to this path of transformation. This altitude marks a turning point where you understand the transformative power of consistency and dedication, inspiring you to embrace the journey with renewed vigour and anticipation of what lies ahead.

125,000 FT | MOMENTUM

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150,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude marks a profound rebirth within you. You've undergone a significant transformation, and the energy you now radiate is drastically different from when you began your journey. Progress is no longer linear; it's compounding. You've achieved milestones that were once distant dreams. A sense of pride swells within you, not just for your accomplishments but for the person you've become. At this altitude, you understand that your growth potential is boundless. This altitude signifies a rebirth of your spirit, an awakening to the immense possibilities that lie ahead, and a deep appreciation for the transformative power of the journey you're on. A stop at this vantage point and the world reveals itself as a place of endless possibilities, and you're eager to explore them. This level signifies the emergence of a more empowered, self-aware, and growth-oriented version of yourself, ready to ascend to new heights of self-discovery and personal evolution.

150,000 FT | REBORN

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200,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude is a stage of exploration and expansion. Having achieved significant progress, you're now drawn to explore new paths and ways to ascend further up the mountain. Self-development has become not just a journey but a way of life, and it's addictive. You seek out fresh challenges, new practices, and different techniques to continue your ascent. At this level, you embrace change as an opportunity for growth, and you're not afraid to step outside your comfort zone. This altitude is high and signifies your evolving mindset, where self-improvement isn't a chore but a thrilling adventure filled with endless possibilities.


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250,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude and you're experiencing a profound shedding of the old self. The person you were when you began this journey is becoming almost unrecognisable. This stage represents a deep and transformative metamorphosis and shift. You've let go of limiting beliefs, outdated habits, and self-imposed boundaries. The past no longer defines you, and you've embraced a new identity aligned with your aspirations. This altitude signifies a powerful reinvention, where you've dismantled the constructs of your former self, paving the way for a more authentic, empowered, and liberated version of who you are meant to be. You are beginning to have trust in the universe and take accountability for your own life.

250,000 FT | SHIFT

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300,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude is a stage of complete rebirth. You've undergone a profound transformation and have become completely unrecognisable from the person you were when you started this journey. At this point, you're in a state of full flow with your self-improvement efforts. Both inwardly and outwardly, your life has seen remarkable changes. Relationships have improved, your work has become more fulfilling and productive, and life as a whole is on an upward trajectory. This altitude represents the culmination of your dedication, where you're reaping the rewards of your commitment to personal growth, and you're thriving in every aspect of your life. You have learnt to delay gratification and have begun to reap rewards of consistency, dedication and discipline.

300,000 FT | FLOW

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At 350,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you've achieved mastery over the physical aspects of your life. Your vibration has significantly increased, attracting positivity and abundance. You've conquered the Body Peak, and your bodily paths are consistently on the path of improvement. Your relationship with your body has evolved to a profound level. You nourish it with exceptional care, maintaining a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and overall health-consciousness. This level represents harmony between your physical and energetic selves, where your body becomes a vessel for your higher self, and your elevated vibration draws positive experiences and opportunities into your life. You have a positive outlook on life and optimism and willingness to life is exerted.

350,000 FT | BODY

400,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, a profound shift occurs. Your focus sharpens, honing in on what truly serves your journey and what doesn't. This level acts as a catalyst, propelling you toward a new direction in your ascent of the mountain. As you navigate this stage, you become acutely aware of the importance of discernment. You begin to shed the layers of distraction, relinquishing what no longer aligns with your path. This newfound clarity steers your course with precision, redirecting your energy and efforts towards endeavours that resonate deeply with your soul.

This altitude marks a transformative juncture, where you move forward with purpose and intention. It's a stage of empowerment, where you actively choose the elements of your journey that propel you toward the summit of Mount Evolve, shedding the unnecessary weight to ascend with renewed vigour and determination.

400,000 FT | FOCUS

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450,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you've harnessed a surge of confidence, self-esteem, and a wealth of positive traits through conquering the Body Peak. Now, your focus shifts to the mind, recognising its limitless potential for transformation, consciousness, and power. You embark on a journey into the depths of the mind, exploring its mysteries and unlocking its hidden capacities. Here, you understand that the Mind Peak is the most potent of all, capable of tremendous change and growth. You are approaching the clouds at this altitude and it marks your transition from physical mastery to the realm of mental mastery, where you tap into the extraordinary capabilities of the human mind to further elevate your journey of self-discovery and personal evolution.

Coming Soon

450,000 FT | MIND

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As you ascend to 500,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, the profound transformation experienced through the Mind Peak has awakened a new understanding. The Spirit Peak, veiled in the clouds, now begins to reveal itself. The mysteries of the universe and the essence of divinity stir within your consciousness. You sense the presence of something greater, and the whispers of spirit essence become discernible in the wind. This height marks your entry into a new realm of consciousness and being, where you're increasingly attuned to the mysteries of existence, the divine forces at play, and the interconnectedness of all life. You stop to look back and reflect on your journey so far and where you are and where you need to be. Your journey is no longer confined to the physical and mental; you're now exploring the vast and awe-inspiring realm of the spirit.


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At 550,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you've risen above the clouds, symbolising a profound mastery of the mind. While you understand that the Mind Peak cannot be completely transcended easily, you've gained exceptional control over it. The mind, like the vast skies, yields immense influence over your life, but you're no longer at its mercy. Your thoughts, represented by the clouds, now reside below you. You watch them as they drift by, no longer towering over you or dictating your reality. This altitude signifies your ascendance over the mental realm, where you've attained a level of mindfulness and mastery that grants you greater agency in shaping your thoughts and, consequently, your life. You now move with the flow of life and not against it. You learn acceptance and surrender to the current of divinity.

550,000 FT | BEYOND

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At 600,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you've come to realise the profound importance of connection, family, love and above all, the connection that interlinks us all, the connection to the divine. Your journey has illuminated what truly matters in life, and the superficial and hollow pursuits that once held your attention have lost their allure. Your desires have evolved from when you first began this ascent. Now, the bonds with your loved ones and the richness of meaningful relationships are the treasures you hold dear. This altitude signifies a powerful shift in your priorities, where the quest for love, connection, and the nourishment of your soul has taken precedence over material pursuits and empty desires. You begin to realise that love is the ultimate reality and the fabric of the universe. Every action is either an act of love or a call for love. It connects everything. What are we without it?


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As you reach this incredible height of 650,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, take a moment to look back at the progress you've made! At this stage, your relationship with the body and mind is in an exceptional place and you're making profound progress across the Spirit Peak. The presence of divinity and God has become a prominent and transformative influence in your life. You've learned the art of forgiveness, letting go of the burdens that were holding you back, both mentally and physically. In this realm, your load is light, for the spirit requires no heavy gear. Its elusive presence seems to almost carry you up the mountain itself. This Altitude signifies your deepening connection with the spiritual realm, where divine guidance and the ability to release the weight of the past are propelling you toward higher states of consciousness and enlightenment.

650,000 FT | SPIRIT


At 700,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you are high into the sky. Your focus shifts away from self-improvement and turns toward the service and betterment of others and the world. You realise that the helping of others is actually helping the self and you can now recognise the self in others as you see it in yourself. Your primary purpose becomes utilising your knowledge and influence to make the world a better place. Your relationship with God deepens, and you find yourself in a state of profound peace. You've transcended personal ambitions and are now dedicated to contributing positively to collective well-being. This altitude signifies a remarkable transformation where your journey has evolved from self-discovery to a higher calling of service and spiritual alignment.

700,000 FT | SERVICE

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Reaching 800,000 ft on Mount Evolve's Altitude, you find yourself completely enveloped in the presence of God, spirit, and love. Your journey has been filled with profound lessons, and you now move through life with the grace of one who has truly experienced the depths of existence. You've come to terms with the vastness of the unknown, becoming comfortable with the idea that there's much you do not know. At this level, your connection to the divine is unshakable, and you radiate love, compassion, and spiritual wisdom, inspiring others on their own journeys of self-discovery and transformation. This altitude signifies a state of profound spiritual enlightenment and a deep understanding of the mysteries of life. Love is your set point of emotionality and you express unconditional love to everyone and everything. 

800,000 FT | LOVE

At 900,000 ft, you've reached the summit of Mount Evolve! Your body, mind, and spirit have undergone a complete transformation. The journey you've undertaken across the challenging terrain of this metaphorical mountain has been long and arduous, but the rewards of self-development have been immense. You now stand at the pinnacle of your own personal growth, having scaled the peaks of physical mastery, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. As you gaze back at the path you've traversed, you realise the profound changes that have taken place within you. Reaching the summit realm marks the culmination of your journey, where you've achieved the highest levels of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal evolution.

900,000 FT | SUMMIT

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1,000,000 ft, a realm exclusive to the soul, echoes with the symphony of a lifetime. Here, you bear the immense tapestry of wisdom, woven from your earthly journey - a mosaic crafted from the threads of growth, evolution, and the intricacies of karma. This level resonates with profound emotion, peace and an indomitable surge of power. Your soul embarks on a triumphant ascent, leaving the physical and mental realms behind. It's a journey filled with the bittersweet ecstasy of farewell and the fiery longing for reunion. At this pinnacle, you return to the source, your essence merging with the universal consciousness, adorned with the vibrant hues of a lifetime's passion. This altitude is the soul's transcendent crescendo, a powerful goodbye fused with an emotionally charged homecoming after a journey filled with profound human experience. The journey home.

1,000,000 FT | TRANCEND

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