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Image by Hasan Almasi


In the fragmented landscape of today's world, where division and separation seem to overshadow our inherent oneness, the journey to Mount Evolve begins with a crucial realisation. Acknowledge the fractures that permeate society, recognising them as mere illusions that obscure our shared humanity. Embrace the truth that we are interconnected beings beneath the surface, bound by a collective destiny. To heal division, start by fostering empathy, understanding, and open dialogue. Challenge preconceptions, confront uncomfortable truths, and cultivate a sense of unity that transcends superficial differences. The ascent to Mount Evolve beckons us to mend the fractures, unveiling the harmonious fabric of our shared existence.


In the intricate tapestry of our modern existence, where division casts its shadow over the interconnected essence of humanity, the quest for unity emerges as a beacon of transformation. As the world grapples with political polarization, cultural divides, and societal fractures, this metaphorical summit beckons individuals to embark on a profound journey. Picture this ascent not merely as a climb but as a collective odyssey towards healing, self-discovery, and the revelation of our shared humanity. Today's fragmented reality conceals the deeper truth of our oneness, making the call to unity not just a pursuit but a quest to unveil the extraordinary potential lying dormant beneath the surface of division.

Today's society, marked by political polarisation, cultural divides, and social stratification, reflects a fractured landscape that challenges our collective consciousness. The rifts, however, are mere illusions, concealing the profound oneness that underlies our existence. As we navigate through this labyrinth of apparent separation, it becomes imperative to confront the stark reality and embark on a path of healing.

To initiate the healing process, one must first acknowledge the fractures that permeate our communities. The recognition of division as a superficial construct allows for a shift in perspective, paving the way for a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness. The ascent to Mount Evolve demands a departure from the comfort of echo chambers and an embrace of diverse perspectives.

Healing division requires the cultivation of empathy—a profound ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy serves as the bridge that spans the gaps between disparate individuals and communities, fostering a sense of solidarity. Mount Evolve beckons us to look beyond the surface-level differences and recognise the universal experiences that bind us together.

Engaging in open dialogue becomes a cornerstone in the journey towards unity. Honest conversations, free from judgment and preconceived notions, create spaces for genuine connection. Mount Evolve encourages individuals to confront uncomfortable truths, dismantling the barriers that perpetuate division. It is through dialogue that we unravel the intricacies of our shared humanity, finding common ground amidst the diversity.

Image by Pawel Janiak


In the grand cosmic ballet of existence, our planet spins through the vastness of space—a tiny oasis teeming with life, suspended in the cosmic sea. As we gaze upon this celestial marvel, the question of division takes on a profound significance. Why, on a rock hurtling through the cosmos, do we allow artificial boundaries and ideological divides to separate us?

Division, in its various forms, has served both as a tool and a consequence of human evolution. Historically, it might have provided a sense of identity, safety, or a means of resource allocation. Yet, in the context of our shared planetary home, its purpose becomes less clear. As inhabitants of this speck in the universe, we face common challenges: environmental crises, global health issues, and the relentless march of time. The very nature of our existence on this fragile planet calls for a collective response.

Consider the sheer vastness of the cosmos, the countless stars that light up the cosmic tapestry. In the face of such cosmic enormity, the divisions that separate us pale in comparison. Would it not be a profound realization to acknowledge that, on this pale blue dot, the power to shape our destiny lies not in division but in unity?

The call to come together echoes through the cosmos—an invitation to recognize our shared vulnerability, our common aspirations, and the interconnectedness that transcends borders. In the pursuit of collective well-being and the preservation of our planetary home, unity holds unparalleled potency. As stewards of this cosmic haven, the question lingers: In the grand tapestry of the universe, wouldn't it be the pinnacle of our potential to cast aside division and forge a united path toward a shared destiny?


Divisions permeate our daily lives in ways both subtle and overt. Arguing over trivial matters has become a commonplace activity, diverting our attention and energy towards unnecessary conflicts. These disputes often revolve around superficial distinctions—nations, religious beliefs, races, and backgrounds—accentuating our differences rather than celebrating our shared humanity. This perpetual state of discord reflects a low level of consciousness, one in which the ego becomes entangled in the illusions of separation.

Trivial disagreements, whether fuelled by nationalistic fervour, religious dogma, or racial bias, serve as a smokescreen that obscures the underlying truth of our interconnected existence. Nations, despite their geopolitical significance, are but imaginary lines drawn on maps. Religious beliefs, while deeply personal, should not be wielded as weapons to foster animosity. Races and backgrounds, though diverse and rich, should not be sources of division but threads in the rich tapestry of human experience.

Consider the energy expended in these quarrels, the emotional investment in defending the constructs of identity that, at their core, are transient and subjective. It is a draining endeavour, diverting our collective focus away from addressing the pressing global challenges that demand our unified attention. The low state of consciousness that perpetuates these divisions keeps us tethered to a cycle of conflict, hindering our evolution towards a higher understanding.

This fixation on divisions requires a close examination of the role played by the ego—the part of the mind that identifies with individuality and separateness. The ego thrives on distinctions and comparisons, seeking validation through the lens of "us versus them." It feeds on the illusion of superiority or victimhood, perpetuating a cycle of discord that prevents us from recognizing our common thread.

True power lies in transcending this egoic state and recognising the oneness that underlies the illusions of separation. It involves a shift in perspective, a collective awakening to the idea that, beyond the superficial differences that divide us, there exists a shared human experience. This recognition is not a denial of diversity but an acknowledgment that, despite our varied backgrounds, beliefs, and appearances, we are all fundamentally connected.

To navigate beyond the illusions of separation requires a conscious effort to rise above the ego-driven narratives that perpetuate division. It demands a commitment to empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness—the very qualities that Mount Evolve encourages individuals to cultivate on their journey towards self-discovery. As we ascend to a higher state of consciousness, we unravel the ego's grip on our perceptions, allowing a more profound truth to emerge—the truth that, in unity, we find our strength, resilience, and the capacity to address the challenges that transcend borders.

In the pursuit of true power, let us recognise that the divisions we create are not inherent to our nature but learned constructs. By elevating our consciousness, we can collectively move beyond the limitations of ego-driven discord and embrace the extraordinary potential that lies in unity.

Image by Josue Michel


Recognising oneness in each other, as opposed to fixating on separation, heralds a transformative shift in perception that yields profound benefits for individuals and society at large. Embracing the shared humanity that binds us together can be a catalyst for positive change, fostering a sense of connection, empathy, and collective well-being.

Cultivating Empathy

Acknowledging the oneness that unites us engenders a deeper sense of empathy. When we view others not as distant entities defined by differences but as fellow participants in the human experience, our capacity for understanding and compassion expands. This empathic connection becomes a powerful force for healing, promoting unity over discord.

Fostering Collaboration

Recognising oneness opens the door to collaboration and cooperation. When individuals appreciate the common ground they share, whether in professional or personal settings, they are more inclined to work together harmoniously. This collaborative spirit transcends the limitations of divisive thinking, unlocking the collective potential for innovation, problem-solving, and societal progress.

Promoting Social Harmony

Beyond personal interactions, embracing oneness has the capacity to reshape the fabric of society. By shifting the focus from divisive labels to shared values and aspirations, communities can forge a stronger sense of unity. This, in turn, contributes to social harmony, fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated rather than feared.


Enhancing Personal Growth

On a personal level, recognising oneness supports individual growth. As individuals shed the shackles of divisive thinking, they become more open to diverse perspectives and experiences. This openness fuels personal development, enriching lives with a broader understanding of the world and a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things.

Nurturing Mental Well-being

The awareness of oneness extends to mental well-being. When individuals see beyond the illusions of separation, it diminishes feelings of isolation and alienation. A sense of belonging emerges, contributing to improved mental health and resilience. The burdens of prejudice and judgment are lightened, allowing for a more positive and harmonious inner state.

Empowering Collective Action

Recognising oneness galvanizes collective action in the face of shared challenges. Whether addressing global issues like climate change, public health crises, or socioeconomic disparities, a united front is more potent than fragmented efforts. The synergy of diverse perspectives and talents, working towards common goals, amplifies the impact of collective initiatives.

Fostering a Global Perspective

Beyond individual or community boundaries, the recognition of oneness nurtures a global perspective. It encourages individuals to consider the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. From environmental conservation to humanitarian efforts, this global outlook inspires responsible and empathetic actions that benefit the entire planet.

See the Creator

Practise challenges like See the Creator to recognise oneness rather than separation.

In essence, the practice of recognising oneness is a transformative journey toward a higher state of consciousness—one that Mount Evolve symbolises. It's an invitation to move beyond the limitations of divisive thinking, to see the reflection of ourselves in others, and to embrace the extraordinary power that lies in unity. As we ascend towards this understanding, we not only enhance our personal well-being but contribute to the creation of a more compassionate, harmonious, and interconnected world.


In the intricate dance of modern information dissemination, deliberate divisions are often sown, creating fractures within the societal fabric. Mainstream media, with its pervasive reach, plays a significant role in shaping public narratives. Sensationalism and the amplification of polarising viewpoints become tools to capture attention, generating a climate of fear and distrust. The subtle art of storytelling transforms into a potent force, sculpting perceptions that emphasise differences rather than shared humanity.

Social media, once hailed as a platform for global connection, has evolved into a double-edged sword. Algorithms designed for user engagement unwittingly contribute to the creation of echo chambers. These digital realms become breeding grounds for confirmation bias, where individuals are served content aligned with their existing beliefs, intensifying ideological divides. What was intended to unite people paradoxically fosters isolation, as curated feeds reinforce preconceived notions and discourage genuine dialogue.

Propaganda, with its subtle influence, weaves a web of distortion that extends far beyond the realm of political campaigns. The art of manipulating information infiltrates various aspects of society, from cultural narratives to public opinions. The selective framing of issues and the strategic dissemination of biased content become tools for those seeking to maintain control or advance specific agendas. The unsuspecting public, bombarded by these carefully crafted messages, finds itself ensnared in a web of manufactured divisions.

The intentional propagation of divisive narratives serves the interests of those who wield influence. Whether driven by political motives, commercial interests, or ideological agendas, these orchestrations contribute to a fragmented society. They erode the foundations of empathy, understanding, and shared humanity, replacing them with mistrust, animosity, and a sense of perpetual conflict.

Recognising and navigate these orchestrated divisions requires a discerning eye and a commitment to seeking diverse perspectives. As consumers of information, it becomes imperative to question the narratives presented, to challenge the biases ingrained in media portrayals, and to consciously choose unity over division. Conscious media beckons you to ascend beyond the illusions crafted by external forces, fostering a collective awakening to the power of shared understanding and the resilience found in a united society.

If you were trying to end racism, would it not hold more power in seeing past race altogether? To become aware of the same oneness that emanates from any race? Why then do we stop at race to draw differences when it is the very thing we are trying to see past? Does the young boy in class notice the colour of his friend's skin when they play together? Or is he taught about it? Taught about the difference, taught to draw more attention to it and create the very thing you are trying to see past. To end racism or anything like it, one must see past it. You cannot have a "Black History Month" without simultaneously creating division between black and white people. The day there is no need to identify anything by the colour of skin for any reason, good or bad, is the day racism holds no more power. Divide yourself and you shall experience division. Resist something and it shall persist.  


In the evolving tapestry of our shared existence, the trajectory of our future is intricately woven with the threads of unity. The realisation dawns that our highest aspirations and collective potential can only be fully realized when we come together as a harmonious whole.

The challenges that loom on the horizon – be they global crises, environmental concerns, or societal inequalities – necessitate a united front. In facing these complexities, the power of collaboration, empathy, and shared purpose emerges as the beacon guiding us forward.

Division, with its roots in fear, mistrust, and artificial boundaries, impedes progress. A fragmented society can never fully harness the collective intelligence, creativity, and resilience required to navigate the complexities of the modern world. It is in our unity that we find the strength to address the intricate challenges that transcend individual or national borders.

The call to unity extends beyond ideological, cultural, and geographical confines. It invites a shift in consciousness, a recognition that our destinies are interwoven, and the well-being of one is inseparable from the well-being of all. A future of togetherness unlocks the door to boundless possibilities, where diverse perspectives converge to forge innovative solutions, and the richness of human experience is celebrated rather than feared.

As we collectively ascend towards a future grounded in unity, we unearth the latent potential within ourselves and our societies. It is a future where empathy guides our interactions, collaboration fuels our endeavours, and the understanding of our shared humanity propels us toward unprecedented heights.

Image by NEOM


Becoming aware of the subtle forces that sow division requires a conscious and introspective journey. It is a process of peeling back the layers of conditioned thinking and unravelling the threads that weave the tapestry of separation. Here are key steps to foster awareness of where division takes root:

Self-Reflection: The Mirror of Consciousness

Begin by turning the gaze inward. Engage in regular self-reflection to identify biases, prejudices, and conditioned beliefs that may influence your perspective. Question the origin of your thoughts and opinions, and assess whether they stem from genuine understanding or external influences.

Diversify Your Information Sources: Challenge the Echo

Broaden the spectrum of information you consume. Break away from the echo chambers that reinforce existing beliefs. Explore diverse perspectives, seek alternative viewpoints, and critically evaluate the narratives presented by different sources. A varied information diet fosters a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.

Question Assumptions: Challenge the Status Quo

Interrogate your assumptions. Ask yourself why certain beliefs or attitudes are held. Are they grounded in personal experiences, or have they been inherited without scrutiny? By questioning assumptions, you create space for genuine understanding and pave the way for a more informed worldview.

Embrace Uncomfortable Conversations: Dialogue and Empathy

Engage in open and empathetic conversations with individuals whose perspectives differ from your own. Embrace the discomfort that arises from challenging discussions. Through dialogue, you not only gain insight into diverse viewpoints but also cultivate a deeper sense of empathy, breaking down the barriers of division.

Recognise Manipulative Tactics: Media Literacy

Develop media literacy skills to recognise manipulative tactics employed by various platforms. Be mindful of sensationalism, selective framing, and the amplification of divisive narratives. Scrutinise the intentions behind the information presented, and discern whether it contributes to understanding or perpetuates division.

Monitor Emotional Responses: Awareness in Action

Pay attention to your emotional responses to information and interactions. If a strong emotional reaction surfaces, it may indicate a deeply ingrained belief or bias. Use these moments as opportunities for self-inquiry, exploring the roots of these reactions and their impact on your perception.

Stay Open to Evolution: The Fluid Nature of Awareness

Finally, recognise that awareness is an ongoing, fluid process. Be open to evolution, allowing your understanding to grow and adapt. Embrace the discomfort of challenging your own beliefs, knowing that true awareness is a journey marked by continuous learning and introspection.

By undertaking these steps, you embark on a transformative journey toward heightened awareness. As the layers of division are peeled away, the path to unity becomes clearer, guiding you towards a more conscious and interconnected existence.

In the intricate tapestry of humanity, division appears as illusory boundaries, obscuring our shared essence. Walls of ideology and prejudice crumble upon realising our interconnectedness, revealing a universal truth. To dismantle division, we must courageously challenge narratives, recognising diversity as a harmonious symphony. In unity, we unlock extraordinary potential, transforming the fractured mosaic into a collective consciousness unfettered by artificial distinctions.


Choosing unity over division is a profound act of empowerment and collective elevation. It involves a conscious decision to transcend the illusions that fragment our shared humanity. In embracing unity, we recognise the strength that emerges when diverse voices harmonise, understanding becomes the bridge that spans perceived differences, and empathy becomes the cornerstone of our interactions. This choice is not merely a philosophical stance; it is a commitment to actively engage in dismantling the barriers that keep us apart. It is an investment in a future where collaboration triumphs over conflict, and the richness of our collective experience is celebrated. As individuals align their intentions towards unity, a transformative ripple effect ensues, fostering a world where solidarity prevails, and the collective potential of humanity flourishes.

Image by Kenrick Mills


In the final reflection on division, remember this: the illusion of separation is but a fleeting shadow on the canvas of our shared journey. As we unravel the threads of divisiveness, we unearth the undeniable truth that unity is not a distant ideal but a fundamental reality waiting to be embraced.

Empowerment emerges in recognising that our collective strength lies in dismantling the walls of division, fostering understanding, and weaving the tapestry of unity. Each individual possesses the transformative potential to be a catalyst for change, a beacon guiding others towards a brighter, more harmonious future.

So, stand empowered in the knowledge that, as we discard the narratives of division, we step into a realm where empathy reigns, understanding flourishes, and the interconnected heartbeat of humanity resounds. The journey towards unity is not just a collective aspiration; it is a powerful declaration of our shared potential to transcend artificial boundaries and forge a destiny marked by compassion, solidarity, and the celebration of our shared humanity.

"There is more power in unity than division."

- Emanuel Cleaver

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