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Chakras are radiant energy centres within you, and hold the key to your inner transformation on Mount Evolve. Aligning and balancing these subtle vortexes unlock profound healing and self-awareness. As you journey through the chakras, you awaken untapped potential, nurturing mind, body, and spirit. Embrace the power within your chakras, and embark on a harmonious ascent towards enlightenment, igniting the sacred dance of energy within, and reaching new heights of spiritual growth and self-realisation.


The concept of chakras traces its roots back to ancient Indian spiritual traditions, particularly within the realms of yoga, Tantra, and Ayurveda. The word "chakra" originates from Sanskrit, meaning "wheel" or "disk," which alludes to their spinning, wheel-like nature.

The earliest mention of chakras can be found in ancient texts like the Vedas and Upanishads, dating back over 2,000 years. However, it was in later Tantric texts, around the 8th to 10th centuries, that a more detailed understanding of the chakras emerged.

According to traditional teachings, there are seven main chakras aligned along the spinal column, from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with specific qualities and attributes, such as physical and emotional aspects, colours, and elements.

Over time, the concept of chakras spread beyond India and became integrated into various spiritual practices and holistic healing systems worldwide. Today, the exploration and balancing of chakras remain a prevalent aspect of personal growth and well-being across diverse cultures and belief systems.

Image by Max


In your body, lies the Muladhara chakra, also known as the Root chakra. It serves as the very foundation of your being, representing your physical, emotional, and spiritual existence. This powerful energy centre is situated at the base of your spine, radiating a sense of stability, security, and belonging.

Visualise this vibrant vortex, depicted as a four-petaled red lotus, symbolising its deep connection to the Earth element. Through it, you can experience grounding energy, allowing you to stay present and embrace the physical world with mindfulness and gratitude. This chakra vibrates the slowest of all the chakras and this is represented by the lotus petals of only four.

When your Muladhara chakra is balanced, you feel a profound sense of safety, trust, and resilience. However, blockages may cause feelings of anxiety, fear, and a lack of self-confidence.

Nurture and empower your Muladhara chakra to lead a more enriched life, firmly anchored in self-awareness, stability, and a deep connection to the world around you.


To heal and balance your Muladhara chakra, start by prioritising grounding practices. Spend time in nature, feeling the earth beneath your feet, and embrace walking barefoot. Engage in yoga poses like "Mountain Pose," which fosters a strong connection to the earth.

Meditate on the colour red, envisioning its vibrant energy infusing your root chakra. Use affirmations like "I am safe and secure" to dispel fears and anxieties. Engaging in physical activities, such as dancing or hiking, can further activate this chakra.

Nourish your body with foods that support grounding, like root vegetables. Practising meditation and being present at the moment also helps balance the Muladhara chakra.


By dedicating time and attention to these practices, you'll strengthen your foundation, promote a sense of stability, and develop a profound feeling of belonging within yourself and the world around you.

Image by Simon Berger


The Svadhisthana chakra, also known as the Sacral chakra, is a vital energy centre located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. This chakra represents our emotional well-being, creativity, and sensuality. Associated with the element of water, it flows with fluidity and adaptability, shaping our ability to experience pleasure, intimacy, and joy.

Symbolised by a six-petalled orange lotus, this chakra begins to vibrate a little faster. The Svadhisthana chakra governs our capacity to form meaningful connections and embrace life's pleasures. When balanced, it fosters creativity, emotional stability, and a healthy expression of desires.

However, blockages in this chakra may lead to feelings of emotional instability, guilt, or an inability to connect with others on a deeper level.

By harmonising the Svadhisthana chakra, you can unleash your creative potential, enhance emotional intelligence, and nurture fulfilling relationships with yourself and others.


To balance and heal your Svadhisthana chakra, begin by exploring activities that ignite your creativity, such as painting, writing, or dancing. Engaging in these creative outlets helps to release stagnant emotions and promote a healthier emotional flow.

Practice mindfulness and emotional release techniques to address any unresolved feelings or guilt that may be blocking the chakra's energy. Meditation can be particularly beneficial in fostering emotional stability and self-awareness. You could also try sound healing to be the catalyst to express yourself through dance, or movement.

Embrace healthy sensuality and allow yourself to enjoy pleasurable experiences without guilt or judgment. This includes connecting with nature, indulging in relaxing baths, or engaging in intimate moments with a loved one.

Consume nourishing foods that support the sacral chakra, like orange fruits and vegetables, and stay hydrated to enhance the chakra's association with the element of water.

By committing to these practices, you can harmonise and heal your Svadhisthana chakra, allowing a free flow of creativity, emotional well-being, and meaningful connections with others.

Image by Ahmad Odeh


The Manipura Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is a significant energy centre situated in the upper abdomen. Representing our personal power, confidence, and willpower, this chakra holds the fire element, bestowing us with warmth and vitality.

Symbolised by a ten-petalled yellow lotus, the Manipura Chakra governs our sense of self-esteem and inner strength. When balanced, it empowers us to take decisive actions and assert ourselves with a clear sense of purpose.

However, imbalances in this chakra may manifest as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or excessive control tendencies. To heal and balance the Manipura, practice self-empowering activities like affirmations, setting goals, and engaging in activities that promote personal growth.

By nurturing and aligning the Manipura Chakra, you can ignite your inner fire, unlock your true potential, and radiate a strong and confident presence in all aspects of your life.


To heal and balance the Manipura Chakra, begin by practising self-empowerment techniques. Use positive affirmations to boost self-esteem and develop a strong sense of self-worth. Set meaningful goals, create routines and take decisive actions to assert yourself with confidence, decisiveness and control.

Engage in activities that promote personal growth and enhance your inner strength, such as pursuing hobbies or learning new skills. Embrace opportunities for self-expression and creativity to ignite the fire within you.

Maintain a healthy and balanced diet, focusing on foods that support the chakra, like yellow fruits and grains. Incorporate physical exercises that target the abdominal area to stimulate the chakra's energy flow. Building a better body will also help to improve self-confidence and esteem, further improving your balance.

Cultivate gratitude and appreciation for yourself and others to foster a positive outlook on life. Practising deep breathing exercises and meditation can also help release any pent-up emotions and restore balance to the Manipura Chakra.


By dedicating time and attention to these practices, you can heal and harmonise your Solar Plexus Chakra, awakening your inner power and confidence to radiate positivity and purpose in all aspects of your life.

Image by James Barr


The Anahata Chakra, also known as the Heart Chakra, is a vital energy centre located in the chest, representing love, compassion, and emotional balance.


Symbolised by a twelve-petaled green lotus, the vibrational power and frequency further increase as the energy rises up the spine. This chakra governs our ability to give and receive love freely and unconditionally.

Balanced Anahata Chakra fosters harmonious relationships, empathy, and a deep sense of inner peace. However, blockages may manifest as feelings of isolation, grief, or an inability to connect emotionally.

By nurturing and aligning the Heart Chakra, you can embrace love's transformative power, cultivate meaningful connections, and radiate compassion, creating a profound positive impact on yourself and the world around you.


To heal and balance the Anahata Chakra, start by cultivating love and compassion in your daily life. Engage in acts of kindness towards others and practice self-care to nurture a loving relationship with yourself.

Work on forgiving past hurts, both towards yourself and others, to release emotional burdens and create space for healing. Embrace a mindset of empathy and understanding in your interactions with people, fostering harmonious relationships. You can also practice letting go to release trapped energy and painful emotions in the body.

Practice meditation and deep breathing exercises to connect with your heart centre, releasing any negative emotions and promoting emotional balance. Surround yourself with nature and the colour green, which resonates with the Heart Chakra, to enhance its energy.

Engage in heart-opening yoga poses, such as the Camel or Bridge pose, to stimulate the chakra's flow. Journaling can also be helpful in expressing and processing emotions.

By dedicating time and effort to these practices, you can heal and balance the Anahata Chakra, allowing love and compassion to flow freely, creating a profound sense of inner peace and meaningful connections with others.

Image by Dominik Lange


The Vishuddha Chakra, also known as the Throat Chakra, is a significant energy centre located in the throat area. This chakra represents self-expression, communication, and authenticity.


Symbolised by a sixteen-petaled blue lotus, it governs our ability to speak our truth and express ourselves creatively. As we approach closer to the spirit realm the vibration of this chakra further increases.

A balanced Vishuddha Chakra enables clear and effective communication, fostering harmonious relationships and authentic self-expression. However, imbalances may manifest as difficulty in speaking up, fear of judgment, or creative blocks.

Meditation and throat-opening yoga poses, like the Fish or Cobra pose, can help activate the chakra's energy. Stay hydrated and incorporate soothing teas like chamomile to support the throat area.

By nurturing and aligning the Vishuddha Chakra, you can find your voice, embrace your unique expression, and establish a genuine and meaningful connection with yourself and others.


To balance and heal the Vishuddha Chakra, focus on enhancing self-expression and communication. Engage in activities that encourage creative expression, such as writing, singing, or painting, to open up the chakra's energy flow.

Practice active listening in conversations and communicate honestly and authentically. Confront any fears of speaking up or being judged, allowing yourself to express your thoughts and emotions freely.

Meditation can be beneficial to connect with the Throat Chakra and release any blocked energy. Visualise a vibrant blue light radiating from the throat area, purifying and balancing the chakra.

Throat-opening yoga poses, like the Shoulder Stand or Plow pose, can also help activate and stimulate the chakra. Stay well-hydrated, as the water supports the throat area.

Herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint can soothe and heal the throat. Avoid excessive smoking and exposure to irritants.

By dedicating time and effort to these practices, you can heal and balance the Vishuddha Chakra, allowing for clear and authentic self-expression, fostering harmonious communication, and nurturing meaningful connections with others.

Image by 五玄土 ORIENTO


The Ajna Chakra, also known as the Third Eye Chakra, is a powerful energy centre located between the eyebrows. Representing intuition, insight, and higher consciousness, it serves as a gateway to inner wisdom and spiritual awareness.

Symbolised by a two-petaled indigo lotus, the Ajna Chakra governs our ability to perceive beyond the physical realm, accessing deeper truths and clarity of thought. At this state the vibration is incredibly high and harnessing the full power of this chakra is usually reserved to the highest of sages.

A balanced Ajna Chakra enhances intuition, imagination, and inner guidance. However, imbalances may lead to confusion, lack of focus, or scepticism towards inner knowing.

Avoid excessive screen time and give yourself regular breaks to rest and recharge. Engage in activities that stimulate the mind and enhance mental clarity.

By nurturing and aligning the Ajna Chakra, you can awaken your inner vision, embrace spiritual insights, and gain a profound sense of connection with your higher self and the universe.


To heal and balance the Ajna Chakra, begin by prioritising practices that enhance intuition and inner wisdom. Engage in regular meditation to quiet the mind and connect with your higher self. Visualise a deep indigo light at the location of the Third Eye, clearing any blockages and promoting energy flow.

Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, fostering a deeper connection with your inner guidance. Trust your instincts and intuition, allowing them to guide you in decision-making.

Limit screen time and take breaks from electronic devices to rest and recharge the mind. Spend time in nature and engage in activities that stimulate the imagination and promote mental clarity.

Explore practices like journaling, dream analysis, lucid dreaming, astral projection or tarot reading to tap into your subconscious and access deeper insights. Cultivate an attitude of openness and curiosity towards spiritual matters.

By dedicating time and effort to these practices, you can heal and balance the Ajna Chakra, unlocking your inner vision, embracing spiritual insights, and connecting with a higher state of consciousness.

Image by William Farlow


The Sahasrara Chakra, also known as the Crown Chakra, is a profound energy centre located at the top of the head. Representing spiritual connection and enlightenment, it serves as a gateway to higher consciousness and universal wisdom.

Symbolised by a thousand-petaled lotus of pure white or violet light, the highest level of vibration, the Sahasrara Chakra transcends individuality and connects us with the divine. It is the seat of spiritual awareness, unity, and oneness with all that is. This is the highest level of consciousness one can experience on earth as we know it and is manifested by the great avatars of history, like Jesus and the Buddha.

A balanced Crown Chakra brings a deep sense of peace, spiritual awakening, and a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. Imbalances may manifest as a feeling of disconnection, spiritual apathy, or an excessive attachment to material possessions.


Balance the Sahasrara Chakra, and experience a profound spiritual awakening, inner peace, and a deep sense of connection with the divine and all living beings.


To balance and heal the Sahasrara Chakra, focus on practices that enhance spiritual connection and consciousness. Regular meditation and prayer help to quiet the mind and open up to higher states of awareness.

Spend time in nature, embracing its beauty and feeling the oneness with all living beings. Engage in activities that uplift the spirit, such as listening to soulful music or reading inspirational texts.

Let go of ego-driven thoughts and release attachments to material possessions. Embrace a sense of surrender and acceptance, finding meaning and purpose beyond the material realm.

Practice gratitude and cultivate a sense of reverence for life. Seek out experiences that expand your spiritual horizons and promote a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.


By dedicating yourself to these practices, you can balance and heal the Sahasrara Chakra, unlocking profound spiritual growth, inner peace, and a profound connection with the divine and the universe.

Image by Zoltan Tasi

Learning and harnessing the power of chakras brings holistic well-being, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. By balancing the energies, we release emotional blockages, embrace creativity, and connect with higher consciousness. This transformative journey leads to inner peace, radiant health, and a more meaningful existence, aligning us with the divine flow of energy.

Image by Martin Jernberg

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